chapter 51

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The exhibition was a bang for all those who never stepped back from trolling Taehyung and question about his capabilities. It was really a successful one. Everyone is now dreaming to hire Taehyung for their new projects, after viewing his art gallery.

Most importantly, the person who humiliated Jeongguk, himself present here. Yes this is Mr.Kang. well at first he came here only to seek for an opportunity to humiliate the Jeon couple more. But alas, he is now stunned by the works....

'Ab hello mr.jeon..'

Mr.Kang calls for Jeongguk approaching him. Who is busy giving details for his baby's work. Actually Jeongguk himself is doing that because Taehyung is uncomfortable in public. He is just gluing with his husband's behind clutching his coat. He is too shy to even utter a word.

'Oh wow Kang you came here? I thought you only deals with brainless people. Obviously why not... a person with brain is abnormal in your eyes isn't it?'

Jeongguk says while acting shocked.


everyone who heard it immediately bursted out laughing...

'Mr.Jeon you are funny...hahahah.. I don't believe in abnormality... I find it extra ability.'

One of the visitor from Paris thought to Present his thought.

Mr.kang is just shyly smiling to all not having any word for protest.

'Oh hahha.. you are absolutely correct Mr....umm?'

'Oh Its Mr. George.... mr.jeon..please to meeting you.'

The said man introduced him while placing his hand in front for a shake.

'Oh it's pleasure to meet you too Mr.George. I am happy that You have a strong sense of humor. Otherwise some person nowadays stop using their brains at all hahahha...'

Again everyone bursted out laughing... including Mr.kang too. He knows that it's all upto him but still he can't show his defeat now right?

'Oh wait
Tae baby...'

'Yes kuku'

'Well gentlemen.... My husband did literally hard work for this exhibition.'

'We can see Mr.Jeon, the paintings says it all. He is really skillfull. I would definitely be glad, if we take any business deals with your company Mr.Jeon.'

And yeah in this way the boring meeting is progressing. Taehyung has no interest in it. He just wants to go home. His Bobo is perhaps feeling bore too, which is still on his be precise.

Taehyung thought while kissing his bestfriends forehead.

Don't worry they are boring we two only not boring (pout)
Wait why don't we sneak out to somewhere kikikiki...

Taehyung slowly removed his hand from the grip silently and went for an exciting walk outside with his Bobo.

Jeongguk has no idea of it still busy with his praisings for his hubby.

'Hellow Mr.Jeon?'

Taehyung got startled miserably when he heard that..

He is now just standing...there clutching his Bobo more tightly...

'Hey hey easy easy.. I am not gonna hurt you chukle*'

'You are meanie?'

'Sorry? Meanie? Oops no no I am Mr.Kang...'

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