chapter 69

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'I am sorry.....aah I am sorry I hurt you mom,I hurt you everyone, when I was hurting too.'

Come out from the girl, from the mother who has been quite living in regret all these days till when she finally realized that her greed will not gonna do any conquer over her fate.

Jinah is confessing her every sin to Mrs Jeon, she committed ever, and the backstabs it caused.

'Maybe I was never been lucky enough to hold on everything I had, to treasure you as a family, and at the end I am paying my karma with this disease.'

Jinah said silently showing no emotion on her face.

Mrs.Jeon is also in a conundrum after getting to know her side of the actuality. The plight of her thoughts is making it more difficult to even choose. Because somewhere she is at fault.

A mistake, yes we can address it as a mistake which she did successfully... she failed to protect this girl,who is lying across from her baffling body...on the hospital bed, looking all pale. Sigh*

'Jinah stop saying sorry all the time, I know you are guilty over your deeds. But I've no authority over your apologies, because somewhere I am also at fault...I was all being selfish, never gave you-

'It's not your fault mom-'

Jinah thought to interrupt the woman but,

'Listen to me okay? Yes I do have faults, I had never give you enough chance to state your position, And I am sorry Jinah...You left us because of me, I made you leave when we all needed each other...but one thing can't be deniable, that you choose to betray my son. All he did was to love you, unconditionally. But you choose to cheat on him?-

'I am sorry mom...I am sorry....I was selfish mom...I agree...please don't disown my son after me.'

'Chukle* at this point i can tell you one thing that you never knew my son at all. You should have read more closely to the couple Jinah....B-ut you have to commit your sins to him n-ot me, he still thinks Jisung is his so-

'H-e kno-ws mo-m...I told him....sniff*'

'Wh-hat..Jinah you told him????
Mrs. Jeon asked showing all disbelief on her face....she is still trying to process...

'Mo-m I can expl-

'Jinah you told him about Jisung? How when? Wha-t did he say oh god....still you are doubting my son? The audacity......'

The woman said placing her hand over her head .... out of the feeling she is trying hard to consume.

'H-he di-dn't say much and make me leave his roo-m inst'antly ....I am sorry...sniff*'

'.my bunny must got hurt so much Jinah...he never deserves this...why Jinah you had to do this....Aahh...first his son who is not even his then his Tae.....he is all alone fighting for his dignity...sniff** and I am sitting like a corpse???..sniff* I-i-i don't know what to do???'

'Mom... d-on't sa-y like that...sniff*'

But Mrs.Jeon could do one thing that shooking her head with a defeated feeling.

'Sigh* Jinah-

'No Mom hate me as much as you want .....I deserve everything...but don't feel sorry for me...or to yourself too please-


'Sorry to interrupt but Ma'am it's time for the patient to take medications'

A nurse cames there with some medicines utterly not giving any homely feeling to Jinah, but it's okay she has to stay here for a bit more until she do her last task before she died, but how far she will succeed well God knows who seems so much lunatic on her deeds. Sigh*

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