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When we walk in the room, everyone is looking at us. When our name is mentioned, everyone is paying attention. When they hear our last name, they automatically respect the person name wearing it.

A perfect powerful family.

People want to be us, no one dares to challenge us. People that are on our good side are now successful, happy and most of them wealthy. People on our bad side were slowly disappearing from all the important events, until their own family didn't hear anything from them.

My relatives and predecessors worked hard to build a reputation for our name and the same was expected from us. We had to watch our words, steps, movements and sometimes we would breath too loud.

Me and my brother were lucky to have a caring mother. At least one of our parents tried to give us a somehow normal childhood, that didn't mean she succeed.

We had the idea to play with our house elf. It felt really good having a brake from our world, but few days later we got caught in act. The elf was dragged to our fathers office and we never saw him again.

That's when we decided to never let anyone help us. Every time someone at school would try to get closer to me and my brother or if they wanted to cheer us up, we would simply distant ourselves.

As we grew we realized how much our name was important to our parents. It's not that we weren't proud to have it, but we didn't want to sacrifice so much just for it to be given some lucky kid.

Then it hit us. We weren't born with this name, we got a chance to earn it, and that's where the problems began.

At first it was alright, we would help each other make our parents proud in any way possible. The problem was when our father would pay more attention to my brother. I got jealous, I thought we were in this together, so I decided to do better. The next holidays we saw our parents, our father gave me more attention than my brother.

And that's when our 'helping' became a competition. And all of this had to be secret.

Everything we did had to look like we wanted to do it just for fun or because of our future. Because they weren't allowed to know that it wasn't only milk and honey. They weren't allowed to know that we weren't a perfect family.

The Malfoys...

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