Malaysia Jae Reynolds

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Hey. I'm Malaysia, or Jae. I'm Laysia to some. I'm 13 years young. 4'11, Don't judge me, or test me I can still whoop ass when I need to. My mom is Half Malaysian/ Half Filipino. And my Dad is Part Mexican/ Part Caucasian/ Half African American, making me Malaysian, Filipino, Black, White, and Mexican. A sexy combo indeed. My Dad says he named me 'Malaysia' because I reminded him so much of my mom. You see, She tragically died when I was recently born, from a plane crash. She was traveling to The Philippines to see my sick grandmother who actually died five days later. Since then my Dad refused to date or Marry anyone else, That was until he met Keisha, she was his only exception. She seemed very nice, But she isn't my mom, not even a little close.

I was alright with her, That was until they announced their engagement. Like how the Fuck could dad betray mom like that? Then Kesha or whatever the hell her name is had the nerve to ask me, If I would like to go on tour with her, to meet some very 'special boys' for the whole damn Summer! Me being the baddie that I am said Hell no. Well, Not exactly 'hell no' but no. My dad gave me the 'Girl, You better say yes' look. So I ultimately agreed. Now, I have to leave my best friend Brienne Taylor (She is 13 like me), and my boyfriend Corey Taylor. Yes, My boyfriend is my best friends bro. She doesn't really care though, the only thing is he is 16. I know we have a three year gap. I don't give a fuck! It's not like we are doing stuff, or anything like that. Back to my Ranting.

That's real great, I had my summer all planned out, I would spend some of my days at Bri's House, then she would spend some days at my place. Now that's not gonna happen. That Bitch. Sorry, I tend to swear a whole lot, And no I'm not that bad to swear in front of my dad. Duh. Okay, So I'm guessing I'm suppose to talk about my personality in my bio? Okay, Cool. I can be mistaken for bitter, Bitchy, Careless, Mean as hell, and some other crap. But really I'm just being who the fuck I am, and That's Malaysia Jae Reynolds. Actually it is true, I'm all that ish. Bishes always gon' hate. Their Haterade feeds my confidence. I'm just being me. Let's see what else..I can speak some spanish...I like all colors, because I just do...I like Wiz Khalifa, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Beyonce, Lil Wayne, Omg Girlz, Lil Twist, Diggy Simmons, etc. Yes, I listen to all that good stuff. I know for a fact that you girls were waiting for me to add Mindless Behavior on that list...Nope, I didn't forget, I don't listen to their music. I can hear girls gasping as I say this.

I can't stand Mindless Behavior. They're so arrogant and think that they got all girls in the palm of their hands. Like no the hell you don't. They're dancing [X], They're Dressing [X], They're Music [X], They're singing [XX], They're looks [ ✓+ ] Okay I will give them that , They are sexy Af'. But other than that, they suck. I have no Idea why Bri or girls at my school get so worked up about them. They are nothing special. At this point, bri would slap my phone right out of my hand, that psycho. She's my psycho chica, that's what I call her. She calls me Lovely Baddie. It def fits me. We are so close like that. Well that wraps up my bio, I know you don't want to leave, but you gotta get off my stuff. I'm kidding. No, I'm serious, like dead ass.  


Malaysia's pic is on the right >>>

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