30. Hold On

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"Please, don't be mad."

It was quite often Sara and my conversations started like this. She'd always fo something random or crazy, and call to apologise, many time before I even knew what she was talking about.

However, this time I knew what this apology was for.

"I'm not mad," I replied.

"You sound it."

"I said that in a perfectly nice tone, Sara."

"You're really not mad that we're missing your birthday?" She asked.

Today was my birthday. Usually I spent the day excited and with friends, however I hadn't exactly been in the best of moods lately. Everything just felt off lately. It was like a dark cloud just loomed over me, and I couldn't bring myself out of it.

I didn't want to take a day off of work, especially since I had taken a few off already and had just recently come back from visiting my parents too. When Arya had to leave at lunch for a family emergency, I was tempted to just close up and go home, but I needed the distraction of the store.

It did make make me feel a little sad when Sara mentioned that Danny and her were going to visit her parents, since they missed her and all, but I was meant to be an adult and couldn't kick up a fuss over it.

"No. It's okay," I reassured Sara. "I'm just going to arrange the apartment, order takeout and then watch or read something until I fall asleep. See, I have a plan."

I still hadn't shifted from my apartment that I shared with Will. Sara and Danny had offered to clear things out for me, but I'd didn't really know what to pack and how, and I was a little particular about it. I wasn't going to be living with them forever, so I just wanted to organise thing according to that. I also needed to clear up before I moved completely.

My search for a new place had already began but I didn't want to rush anything, especially since I planned on staying at the new place for a little longer this time...hopefully.

"That's a sad plan," Sara commented.

"Still a plan."

"Okay, that's it. We're coming back," she said and I could hear Danny in the background.

"Don't even," I quickly told her. "I'm fine and so is my plan. I'm doing things that make me feel comfortable, which will make me happy."

Alright, in reality I hated packing. But I wasn't going to let them change their plans for me.

"Danny," I heard Sara whine.

There was a sound of rustling, which I assumed meant she'd put the phone on speaker or just given it to him.

"Cupcake, you sure?" Danny asked.

"Of course," I smiled.

"That's it?" Sara questioned him.

I let out a chuckle. Danny would only really ask something once to confirm and treat that as the final answer. Whereas, Sara would continue to ask until she was sure of the answer.

"I'll see you guys when you're back," I told them before.

There was a slight sigh on the phone, and I assumed Sara was pouting. "Alright."

"Take care, S." She said.

I smiled. "You too."


I walked back from the store, feeling like I needed some fresh air and a walk to clear my mind. When I was little, my parents would take me on walk on the morning of my birthday and we'd go to the park together.

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