twenty two

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"Because it's dangerous, Nancy, that's why you can't come with me."

"If it's so dangerous why are you going?"

"It's what I do, you know this."

Nancy didn't know what to say. Arthur was right, she did know that ninety-nine percent of the work that the Shelby Company Limited did was dangerous, but it didn't mean she had to like it.

Arthur had told Nancy a week ago that he was going to Newmarket races for the day. That day had finally rolled around and despite asking more than once, Arthur's answer to Nancy asking if she could go with him was still a firm no.

It had been three weeks since Arthur had confessed his love for Nancy, and for those three weeks he had felt as though he was living inside a dream. He woke up everyday to Nancy quietly sleeping beside him and returned to a thunderous hug from Vincent every evening. His life was perfect, but Nancy's fears had started to show.

She hated it whenever Arthur had to work away. Constantly battling the intrusive thoughts that he would get hurt, or even worse, killed. She couldn't face life on her own if something happened to him, especially not after how far she'd come to reach the point they were at.

"I know you're worried, darling, but it's just one day. You know I won't let anything stop me from making sure I get home to you two."

Arthur smiled at her and picked up Vincent, kissing the boys cheek as he sleepily yawned, resting his head on Arthur's shoulder.

Nancy stood and looked at them both. She never knew what it was like to have her heart feel so full. Arthur's relationship with her son was more than she could ever had dreamed of. Their bond was natural, making it just one of the endless reasons why Nancy loved him.

"You promise?"

Arthur nodded, "I promise."

He placed Vincent back down on the ground and pulled on his coat, tucking his gun into it's holster and grabbing his cap from the hook on the wall. Nancy smiled and straightened his bow tie for him, grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Go," she said, cocking her head towards the door after hearing the horn of Thomas' car outside the house sound for far longer than it needed to.

"I love you." Arthur nodded at Nancy, winking at her as he opened the door.

"And I love you."

Nancy spent the rest of the morning getting Vincent and herself ready for the day. She bathed him, washed his hair and combed his curls before dressing him in his usual trousers and shirt.

She made him breakfast and sat down beside him at the table. It had amazed Nancy how easily her son had adapted to their sudden life change. He was only a small boy, yet there had been no fuss from him when the family unit he was used to completely disappeared. He had asked no questions about why they didn't live with his father anymore, in fact, he barely mentioned his father at all.

Part of Nancy felt bad. As much as she resented Henry and everything he'd subjected her to, he was still Vincent's father, and she didn't want to deprive them of the opportunity to have a relationship.

Though as time went on, Henry got in touch about seeing his son less and less. It started off once a week, then once every two weeks, and then once a month if he felt like it. Nancy felt sorry for Vincent, she didn't want him to grow up wondering why his father wasn't bothered about spending time with him, however when she saw how Arthur was with him, she knew that Vincent didn't need Henry, had had a father in Arthur.

"Are you happy, Vin?" She asked her son.

Vincent nodded enthusiastically while he ate his bread and jam, smearing it across his face as he gave her a toothy grin.

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