May 2, 1976: The Sequel

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The school day went by quickly for Sophie. It always did. Jenny stood next to her desk in Algebra 2, watching her pack her bag. Slowly, methodically.

    "Do you want to walk to the elementary school, or should we get the bus?"

    "We can walk, Jen. My doctor says I need more exercise," Sophie smiled weakly at her, before returning to her bag. She zipped it up, staring at the bunny keychain. It was plastic, and blue. The bunny had a big smile. Sophie couldn't remember where she'd gotten it. Maybe her brother had gotten it for her. What was his name again? She put her bag on her shoulder and stood, following Jenny out of the classroom.

    "I need to stop at my locker," Sophie said, "I left my drawing notebook in it, and I told you I had some cool drawings of the Bates family from Psycho, right?" Jenny nodded, "Well I wanted your opinion on which one I should paint. Felix bought me some new canvases and more paint."

    Jenny grinned. Sophie could be rather... unexpressive. But when she talked like this about art and horror movies, it was like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, cutting through Sophie's bored facade.

    The two girls stopped at Sophie's locker before leaving the school with the rest of the students. They moved like a thick wave of gangly limbs, acne, and braces, chattering to themselves. Sophie suddenly found herself overwhelmed.

    "Uhm, Jen?" She grabbed Jenny's wrist. Her voice was quiet as she asked, "Can we walk through Saint Juana's instead of taking the bus?"

    "Of course, Soph!" Jenny responded, trying to stay quiet as well, "Of course we can do that."


    Sophie had always loved Saint Juana's. There was a sense of peace that usually enveloped her here, like a hug. But today... today something was wrong. The presence she had felt that morning, standing in front of her bathroom mirror, the sheep thing, was back, walking a couple feet behind the two girls. But whenever Sophie looked over her shoulder, all she saw was the sun-dappled path, packed dirt and crumpled leaves.

    "Is something wrong, Sophie?" Jenny was walking a little bit ahead of her. She was always a little bit ahead of Sophie, because of her height. She had about three inches of height on Sophie, and it made all the difference.

    "No... no it's fine Jen. I'm fine," she jogged a bit to catch up, "I just... thought I heard something. That's all."

    They were getting close to the elementary school now, Sophie could see the fence. All they had to do was jump the fence and she wouldn't have to deal with the creepy feeling of being watched anymore.

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