October 20, 1982

398 7 2

   It had been a couple days since Sophie had finished playing through BunnyFarm, and, even after her conversation with Jenny, and then with her therapist, she felt like the reality of everything she'd seen in the game hadn't really settled. So she went to Felix's house to ask about it.

   Felix wasn't at home when Sophie got there, but she remembered where he hid the key (and what a miracle she remembered, because it soon started to rain), so she went inside the house and made herself a coffee.

   The house was in terrible condition. There were five empty bottles of brandy on the dining room table, one tipped over and dripping out the last of its contents onto the ruined wood finish. The ashtrays in the kitchen and in the living room were filled to the brim with ash and cigarette butts. And there were more empty bottles of various alcohols on the couch and under the coffee table, kicked to the side so Felix wouldn't trip on them.

   Sophie sucked in a breath. This is how all the hell in her life had started. Felix's drinking. SHe almost didn't want to confront him. But she had to.

   Where was that voice coming from?

   Sophie could hear someone upstairs calling her name. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. It sounded like a woman, and as she slowly made her way up the stairs, she could feel that damned presence that had haunted her all throughout high school.

   Sophie ran.


   Jenny was in the main area of their apartment in the Entfernt Hotel when Sophie got back. She was still shivering with anxiety from what had happened at Felix's house. Of course, her girlfriend stood immediately to comfort her.

   "How was it? What did he say?"

   "I-" Sophie took a deep breath, calming herself. She realized she hadn't taken her pills that day, and went to go get them as she thought about how to explain what had happened. Once she'd taken the pill, gulping it down with a glass of water, Sophie sat on the couch, Jenny next to her.

   "Uhm, he wasn't there. But I think he's been drinking again. There were empty bottles of brandy and wine and all sorts of alcohol in the rooms I went into. And he hasn't cleaned out his ashtrays," Sophie took a deep breath and looked at Jenny, who smiled comfortingly.

   "Why do you seem so shaken up though, babe? Did he..." her face clouded over with worry, and anger, "Did he ever hurt you when he drank?"

   "No! No, no, no. Uh, he didn't drink at all when I lived with him, but I think that he's gotten back into it since I left... And that's not why I was scared. I," Sophie bit her lip, "Uh, please believe me, because this is absolutely, 100% true, but Felix's house has been haunted for as long as I could remember, by this... sheep thing that I could never see, but always knew was there? It kind of looked like the sheep from BunnyFarm, but a million times worse. And I could hear her up in my room at Felix's and I started remembering some of the shit that happened in that fucked up game and all the stuff about my siblings and my parents and that's what freaked me out."

   Jenny nodded along as Sophie spoke, and when she was finished she got a thoughtful look on her face.

   "That sounds pretty scary, honey," she looked sincere, and she hugged Sophie close to her, "Do you want me to make some cookies and we can watch a silly movie to help you feel better?"

   "That sounds great," Sophie smiled weakly and hugged Jenny back, "I love you."

   "I love you, too."

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