Dear Beta Reader

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Dear Reader @hrjohnson08 @rebellily 

Thank you so much for taking the time to support my dream and read my story and give feedback.  

Feel free to share your opinion.  I want to know what you like, love, and want more of.  I want to know what you hate, where it's too slow or boring.

* TRIGGER WARNING:  The MC will go through a low point and explore self harm and suicidal thoughts.  I am worried about it being too dark, or too light.  

* I also don't want her to get over her ex too quickly, or drag it out too long.

* TRIGGER WARNING:  Their is an abusive relationship, and I don't want it to be too dark for my readers but enough to make sense of the emotions she goes through.

If you want to point out weak sentences, SPAG, grammar, etc, you can.  But, don't feel you need to as it will go to professional editor for that.

Many thanks


P.S.  If you no long want to Beta Reader please let me know, so I'm not waiting for your feedback. I promise I won't be mad. I know how life can happen, or if the story isn't for you.  You can quit for any reason, but I'd appreciate if you could let me know.  

P.P.S I will keep posting chapters each night.  :) 

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