Thought you were american

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Y/n's POV

They raced out of the room, not suspicious at all. I turned around and sluggishly made my way toward my hanging chair. I climbed on and folded my legs so that they weren't on the floor. I still hate the floor.

I watched as Shuri grabbed the knitted blanket off my bed and made her way over to me.

"Want to join?" I patted the space next to me. She smiled in return and sat next to me and threw the blanket over us both.

"You tired?" She asked me.

"Not really, you?"


"So what's wakanda like?"

"It's beautiful I suppose, but if you wanted to really know, ask my brother. He's mesmerised every sunset looking out over the land," She had a smile on her face as she thought of her brother.

"I'd never have thought of him as someone who enjoys watching nature."

"He doesn't seem like a king does he?" she chuckled lightly.

I looked out the window, the chair was by the wall of windows so you get a landscape view of the city.

"You know what I just realised?" Shuri began after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" I questioned her.

"When we did instructions I never told you my sexuality which is weird cause I don't know but it's unusual for me," she rambled slightly. Wait... that's not suspicious at all. "And umm, I'm pansexual."

"Oh I'm lesbian." I said looking at her.

"I thought you were American." She deadpanned. We were silent for a moment.

"It's Wednesday my dudes..." now she looked at me in slight confusion.

"Just trying to defuse the tension." I looked away from her as I said it. Then without warning we both burst out laughing.

After about 5 minutes of us uncontrollably laughing and struggling to breathe, that was broken up with brief moments of calm before we looked at each other, we finally calmed down for good.

Tears were streaming down my face, because of course I fucking cry when I laugh. I looked away from her in slight embarrassment.

I felt a hand grab my chin and bring my face back around to face her.

I was so shocked from not expecting it that I forgot to breathe. How do you breathe again? Please help me. She then looked down at he hand. Wait was that just her hand? I saw her eyes briefly stop as she looked back into my eyes.

Then I became of the distance some how shrinking in between us.

Holy shit, what the fuck is happening? Why am I leaning in too? WHAT DO I DO?

Her lips met mine, it was gentle yet rough at the same time. But after a brief few seconds she pulled away.

She pulled back and for a moment both of us were shocked at what just happened.

"I- sorry that was uncalled for, I can leave," she quickly left the room but her face had a look of regret as she closed the door.

I was stuck in the same spot for a minute before black spots came into my vision, then I remembered how to breathe.

I didn't get much time though as the door burst open with Clint standing in the door with Loki poking over his shoulder. Both had huge grins on there faces.

They both rushed over and sat cross legged on the floor in front of me.

"You're out of breath y/n," Loki teased.

"Tell us everything." Clint quickly followed up.

Clint's POV

After I shut the door Bruce decided to go work in his lab, an unfortunate habit he had picked up from Tony.

I however climbed into the vent to watch and wait.

Mere minutes after I had settled Loki appeared in the vent next to me.

"I see you picked up on my plan," they whispered.

"Yup, and now we wait," I responded.

After I don't know how long because I don't wear a watch even though I should. We hear a good five long minutes of pure laughter coming from her room. I smiled. She's deserves to laugh after all that happened to her.

We waited as the laughter died down, but not for long as the door opened to reveal Shuri looking slightly panicked, having a look of slight regret on her face yet also a smile and we heard her whisper under her breath "I just did that, but why did I leave! You idiot!"

She left down the hall towards the living space after a second.

We jumped down immediately and swung open the door to reveal an out of breath y/n sitting on her swinging chair.


I rush over as quick as I could, so did Loki.


"Oh my fuck." I breathed out after y/n told us her story, after a lot of convincing. Our plan worked! Finally, it was about time something worked.

"Legolas, rudolf, and y/n Tony said that there's going to be a meeting in the living area in five minutes and Tony said that pirate will be there" Friday announced.

"What even is that voice thing?" Y/n asked in confusion.

"It's Friday, Tony's AI thing or what ever it is. "Loki answered for me, as we got up to go upstairs but y/n kept all her blankets on her.

"This Meeting is going to be delightful," Loki joked.

"Fantastic," y/n remarked.

"Just peachy," I cringed at my own choice of words.


A/n: hehe

Not living through y/n cause who knows how long it'll be before something like that could happen to me being my introverted self. Also I'm pan so I might mess a few things up for y/n because I'm not lesbian so idk, I'm rambling because I know imma make a mistake at some point. Ye.

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