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Hello everyone!

I wanted to put a formal "thank you" to all who read my novel, Harly.

I finally completed editing, it has now been updated and reflects the changes on Wattpad. I had originally intended to re-write the last few chapters, but after reading it, it didn't turn out as badly as I thought it had. I will leave them as they are and let y'all make the decision.

I have had quite a few people ask for a sequel. While I am so happy you liked it enough to want more, I just don't think it will happen any time soon, if at all. I have 14 other stories in my drafts that I'd like to give a real chance. I had considered releasing one or two chapters of every one of them, and letting you all decide on which one I should continue writing. 

If you'd like to take part in this, please don't hesitate to go to my profile and take a glance at the other ones. It may be a while before they're up as I really only HAVE one or two chapters written on quite a few of them, and most are from around 2014 or earlier, so they'll need some tweaking.

But again, thank you all for reading. Hope to see you in my other stories' comments as well so I can keep interacting with you all!


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