Chapter Twenty (Edited 08/2021)

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When my eyes finally peeled open, the first thing I noticed was that I still seemed to be in control of my body.

The second thing that I noticed was that I was back in the hospital, hooked up to an IV and now an oxygen mask.

I could only imagine how expensive my medical bills were going to be.

When I began to stir, there was a shuffle around the room as someone got up to check on me.

Their figure was still blurry, but I could tell that the silhouette belonged to my mother. I made another mental note to change my emergency contact.

"They found you in the woods," she muttered, her tone obviously displeased. She stood, brushing off her pants. "I'll go get your sister. She's been waiting to talk to you."

I didn't reply, still trying to get my brain to settle. My mouth was super dry. Probably from inhaling dusty demon. There was a glass of water next to me that I polished off within seconds. It didn't quite soothe the dry mouth but I knew I wasn't particularly dehydrated because of the IV. I tried not to look at it, however, because needles made me squeamish.

I put the oxygen mask back on because I never wanted to feel that feeling of suffocating again. With the mask on, no demon dust particles would assault me and I'd be sure to get plenty of air. It was the only thing that made me feel really safe at the moment.

I thought back to what happened.

I was so positive that I would be possessed. Why else would he weasel his way into my body? But when I woke up myself and no other signs of being inhabited, I became confused. What was his goal? Was it honestly just a final way of scaring me? Trying to take me down with him?

As I brooded, Ella knocked on the door, startling me from my thoughts. She looked a lot better than she had in the last few days. She had seemed so tired, but now she almost looked normal.

"Good morning," she whispered with a smile. I vaguely waggled my fingers, not really having a whole lot of energy to have a full conversation. She took that as an invite and let herself in, our mother nowhere to be seen, and sat in the chair beside my bed. "You did it, Em." She said in a choked voice.

I looked at her confused. What had I done?

She gave a breathless chuckle, putting her hand on mine. "Lilly's recovering. She ate today. She hasn't gotten sick once. She did a complete 180." I guess I must have still looked confused because she continued. "Whatever you did in the forest to get rid of Harly worked. He's gone."

I stared back for a minute before looking away. I mustered the strength to pull my oxygen mask to the side and try to tell her the story. I had to pause a lot, put the mask back on and breathe, then continue. I had no idea I'd fight for breath this bad from suffocating earlier. I shouldn't have anything blocking my airways unless Harly's remains coated my lungs.

I shuddered at the thought.

"Well," Ella thought, leaning back in her chair. "It's weird, yeah. But shouldn't something happen if he was still here? It's been almost two full days since they found you in the woods." I startled. I had been asleep the whole time? "Which scared me to death, by the way. I have a sick kid and now my sister is passed out in the woods, struggling to breathe?"

I couldn't even apologize for scaring her. I was still confused as to how I had been asleep for almost two days after that. Did it take a lot of energy to banish Harly? What exactly happened in the woods?

I spent yet another few days in the hospital, apparently my second home as I recovered from this. I didn't try to rush it this time. It was reconfirmed by Lacey and Lance that Lilly was doing fine. She was almost back to her normal self, and she didn't mention Harly once. She just chattered away about nothing. The thought brought a smile to my face.

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