Chapter 4.

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Bella Pov.

Anna: 'Did you two hear, there's going to be a festival tonight in the city centre?' the Blue-eyed older woman spoke whilst I lay still and y/n smoked out of the window. She turned around and smiled. Her smile is my religion.

Y/n: 'Oh yeah I heard about it, I used to take my little bro all the time...' she said and exhaled the smoke out of the window her jaw clenched making me latch my eyes onto her '...well whenever we were in Paris' she corrected herself and closed the window.

she then walked over and sat opposite me, then followed Anna. Bear in mind I was still Naked so my mind was racing.

Bella: 'I've never been' i said making them both look at me. Y/n gave me a soft smile and rubbed the back of her neck as though she was contemplating something.

Y/n: 'Well I was planning on going if you wanted to accompany me?' OMG is y/n asking me on a date? No, she's just been nice...

Bella: 'Yes!' I said instantly making her chuckle while Anna rolled her eyes 'I mean yeah, I would love to' she nodded and stood up.

Y/n: 'well cool, it's a date...' I went wide-eyed at how casually she said the thing I had been dying for her to say whilst she just walked back to the canvas 'Better get done what I need to for today then' I nodded and went back to the pose I was in.

Anna: 'You two better not fuck and make it awkward for yourselfs' y/n looked up and smirked whilst I basically turned into a tomato.

Y/n: 'you could've given me a model that wasn't single...' Anna glanced over and shook her head so the blue-eyed girl threw her arms up in self-defence '... I mean what did you expect me to do other than flirt?' she said with a smile.

Anna: 'I'll tell your mother' the older woman joked making me chuckle a little.

Y/n: 'Tell my mother, she's the one who's been trying to set me up on dates for the past months' she said and went back to painting.

A few hours passed and it was finally time for my date with Y/n as we had decided to go straight from work to the festival/ fair.

Anna: 'Have fun the two of you, oh yeah and use protection, Bellas one of my best models can't have her getting pregnant' we both laughed then thanked her whilst I got changed and y/n smoked another cigarette out of the window.

She then turned around once she had asked whether I was changed and offered me her hand.

Y/n: 'You ready to go?' she asked. I nodded and intertwined my fingers with hers. 'I thought we could walk because it's only a few blocks away' she said, I nodded making her open the door for me and we began walking.

Bella: 'So Y/n, why is someone as attractive as you, still single?' she looked a little taken aback at first then she smiled and looked down.

Y/n: 'I had my heartbroken and it's never completely fixed' the blue-eyed girl's eyes bored into mine as though hunting for something, anything.

Bella: 'Well then...' i said and grasped onto her hand making her relax a little and look straight ahead  '... you just need to find the right person to fix it' she released her hand from mine and put her arm around my waist as the roads were getting busier.

Is it weird to say that I felt safe?

Y/n: 'That could be the case Isabella, or it could not...' she muttered '...but I need to try with someone at least' hopefully that "somebody who she's trying with" is going to be myself.

Bella: 'yes indeed you do' i replied seeing her smile, her dimples showing even more than they already were.

Y/n: 'So tell me something about yourself?' she said and kept her arm around my waist even though it had quietened down which is extremely cute in my opinion.

Bella: I bit my lip and rested further into her 'I like cheesy poetry, romantic dates, romance movies... Anything to do with romance really' she chuckled lowly making my knees basically buckle on the spot. Because Lord have mercy that laugh is impeccable.

Y/n: 'so you are the romantic type?' she asked almost longingly making me nod,

Bella: 'yes very much so' i agreed.

Y/n: 'I'll have to bare that in mind' she said only pulling me into her grasp even more 'tell me something nobody else knows about you' she said making me bite my lip nervously.

Bella: 'I have anxiety attacks' she looked at me wide-eyed 'quite frequently actually' i muttered making her trace small circles on my waist where she was holding.

Y/n: 'And how do you calm down?' she asked.

Bella: 'I need someone to hold onto, even just for a few moments' she turned to me almost uncomfortable.

Y/n: 'What like a bear hug, or like...' she said awkwardly making me laugh a little.

Bella: 'A bear hug sounds good' i said and smiled up at her. She must have been at least 5'11 because she towered over me and I'm 5'9.

Y/n: 'Ok cool' she mumbled and turned to me with a sparkly tint to her grin 'Do you always do that?' she asked.

Bella: 'Do what?' i quizzed completely unaware of what the extremely attractive girl was talking about.

Y/n: 'Bite your lips' she mumbled and ran her spare hand over her jawline, then pulled her sunglasses onto her face.

Bella: 'It's a habit of mine whenever I'm nervous' she glanced at me.

Y/n: 'Well let's change that...' she said and stopped making me stop with her '...if you're with me and you get nervous just tap the back of my hand like this' she showed me on mine 'and ill hold yours in my own' I want to kiss her so bad right now.

Bella: 'Who knew' I muttered. She looked up from my hands and beamed.

Y/n: 'Who knew what?' The taller girl replied.

Bella: 'Y/n, Y/l/n has a soft side'




SHE IS ART. {Bella Hadid/You}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora