Chapter 28.

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Bella Pov:
I roll out of bed to the sound of my phone ringing across the room, Y/n has been at work for a few hours now and i couldn't seem to drag myself from the place that she held me so softly,

I grab my phone and run my hands over my face in an attempt to focus my eyes, I look at the screen seeing it was my mother calling and answer instantly, a little scared as to what she could want,

Bella: 'Hi mama'

Yolanda: 'Baby Bells! I missed your voice my little one'

Bella: 'Mum i'm not a baby anymore!'

Yolanda: 'Okay tall, Model of the year, most beautiful woman on earth baby bells, i missed you so much'

Bella: 'Okay? What's up?'

Yolanda: 'Me and Jelena decided to host our annual halloween party, and we wanted to invite you and your little lover I still haven't met her and you and Gigi are constantly talking about her'

'I feel left out Isabella'

Bella: 'Okay, in LA?'

Yolanda: 'No London, we are both here so figured it would just be easier'

Bella: 'Are you at the London house or Brighton house?'

Yolanda: 'Brighton, the horses are with us, we had them transported'

Bella: 'Oh my god! I haven't seen them in so long'

Yolanda: 'Another reason for you to come Bells'

Bella: 'I'll definitely be there, i'll talk to "my little lover" about her gracing you with her presence aswell'

Yolanda: 'Okay, it's saturday, so be hasty with it'

Bella: 'I'll ask her when she gets back from work'

Yolanda: 'Okay great'

'How have you been Isabella, feels like we barely talk nowadays'

Bella: 'I've been busy mother'

'Between shoots and falling in love, and after parties and parties, it gets a lot'

Yolanda: 'Have you still being taking your anxiety medication?'

Bella: 'When i'm not with Y/n'

'When i'm with her i don't seem to need it'

'Her presence calms me, she's such a chill and calm person, it must rub off on me'

Yolanda: 'That's never happened with any of your previous relationships'

'I can't wait to meet her Bella'

Bella: 'I can't wait to gift you with meeting her'

'She truly is a work of art'

Yolanda: 'I'm sure she would say the same about you'

Bella: 'I'm sure she would'

'She basically worships the ground i walk on'

Yolanda: 'And the sex?'

Bella: 'Mum!'

'I am not going to discuss that with you'

Yolanda: 'Oh yes you are, i've never seen you this happy, she must be doing something right'

Bella: 'Let's just say she's doing a lot of things right'

Yolanda: 'Really?'

Bella: 'Yep, she certainly knows her way around the bedroom'

SHE IS ART. {Bella Hadid/You}Where stories live. Discover now