Chapter 6: Choosing Paths

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Percy POV

When we got here we were surrounded with wands I just simply raised my hands and said "I'm a friend of Carter and Sadie". They didn't believe me until Carter came in and said "He's not lying put the wands down." He then came and gave me a hug and so did Sadie. I said "Hey guys, long time no see. This is Piper by the way" and I nodded towards Piper and said "This is Carter and Sadie" she nodded and extended her hand and said "Pleased to meet you" he nodded and said "Same for you." I was happy no one was killing each other.

Carter then said "Why are you two here, and where's Annabeth" I told him the story, Piper cut in a few times because I started choking up. When we were done he looked mad and Sadie was furious.

"Calm down guys, it's in the past now, anyways we still wanna ask something" I said. They calmed down a little and I said "Are we allowed to learn your fighting styles and spells?" Carter looked shocked and Sadie looked excited. Carter then said "Of course, but I don't know what effects it'll have on you since your Greek" we said it's fine.

Carter and Sadie took us to the training room and got us started. "Your two have to chose a path of a god or goddess. You can choose which one." Piper then asked "Who is there to choose from?" Sadie responded "Just name something you want to follow and I'll say if that's a path you can choose from or not." I said "You guys can go do your own thing we'll tell you when were ready." They nodded and left. 

I looked at piper and asked "what are you thinking of?" She responded "I wanna follow and earth god or goddess because we didn't have anyone who could've opposed Gaea in the fight. We would've lost if you didn't break the seal." I nodded. Piper then asked me "What about you? Who are you thinking of?" I responded "the river goddess, I don't remember what her name is." She nodded. Then I said "You ready to go tell them?" She nodded and left. 

I counted till the count of five until she peeked her head through the door and said "Get over here, I don't know the way around here." I laughed and went to go find Sadie and Carter.

When we found Sadie and Carter I said "Hey Carter" They looked back and waved. They came up to us and said "You guys ready to choose?" We nodded and I said "I wanna follow Nephthys Goddess of rivers and death." He said "Nice choice, What about you piper?" She answered "The earth god or goddess so I have control over the earth. who is the earth god or goddess anyways?" Sadie responded "Geb, god of the earth. And if you don't mind me asking why do you want control over the earth?" Piper said "Because we just finished a fight with Gaea the earth goddess in Greek. No one could over power her control over the earth and if it happens again I wanna make sure there isn't as many casualties." Sadie nodded and said "Ok, well follow me" Piper nodded and followed her. Carter then turned to me and said "Follow me to follow Nephthys path." I nodded and followed him.

He took me to a room and started chanting. I was wondering what he was doing then the river goddess appeared. I bowed right away and she said "Rise, hero" I got up and Carter said "Lady Nephthys, Percy wishes to follow your path, do you accept?" She said "I must look into his past to know." She then looked at me and said "I need your permission to look into your past. Granted?" I nodded and she looked into my past. She must've done some type of magic because she only closed her eyes for 5 seconds while looking into my past. When she opened her eyes she immediately said "I accept." Carter looked a bit surprised and said "Ok. That's all we needed lady Nephthys's. You may go now." She nodded and flashed away. I then asked him "Why did you look surprised when she accepted?" He said "They usually take another second or two to say weather they accept or not. She must've been surprised by your past to say yes that fast." I nodded and he said "Congrats your training starts when Piper and Sadie get back." 

As soon as he said that Sadie and Piper walked through the door. I said "Did he accept?" Sadie said "Yep" she popped the P then said "What about you?" Carter said "Yeah, She accepted as soon as she was finished looking into his past." She nodded and Carter said "Well your training starts now."

Piper POV

I followed Sadie into a room and she started chanting. I had no clue what that was about but then a god appeared. I bowed and The god said "Rise". Then Sadie said "Lord Geb, Piper wishes to follow your path, Do you accept?" He thought about it for a second then said "I need to look into her past, and I need her permission" He then looked at me and said "Do I have your permission?" I nodded and then he closed his eyes. He stayed like that for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes he looked at me for a second then said "I accept, You may follow my path." Then he flashed away. 

Sadie looked at me and said "Congrats, you now have power over the earth and your now following his path." I said thanks and Sadie led me out of the door. I asked "Why don't they have to come to us? No offense or anything I'm just curious." She responded "Because hes the pharaoh, and don't worry about the offense part, none taken." I nodded and we went to carter.

When we got there it looked like he just finished with Percy. He said "Did he accept?" Sadie nodded and Carter said "Your training starts now."

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