Chapter 17: Epilouge (How do I spell it?)

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Sry about not updating, I'm very lazy and I've been playing a lot of warzone recently, Also this will be very short

3rd Person POV

After Piper woke up, Percy was teasing her such and such. They left and Got greeted, people said sorry constantly.

They went to the throne room and got gifts, Chaos announced that Percy was now the most powerful being to ever exist.

After everything happened on earth, Percy and Piper said they're goodbyes and would try to help when there's a threat.

They went back to space and continued their life, they had 3 kids which they gave a choice to either go to earth and live normally or to become assassins with them, 1 became and assassin and the others went to earth.

There was always evil rulers and since space was so big they didn't stop.

The End

Sorry about everything that was wrong when they met the norse and egyptions. I didn't read the Kane Chronicles and I wasn't using the magnus chase thor. I might be doing more stories but I don't know, im terrible at details, and plus im 13 and school is starting soon so I wont be able to post as much. Anyways thank you for the reads really appreciate it and now I have something to brag to my brother about.

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