CHAPTER FOUR | Reading List Submission Guidelines

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If you have a story that you believe would be a great fit for our Reading Lists, we encourage you to review the following rules and submit via the Reading List Submission Form when you are ready. We do not provide notification about whether a story was rejected and why, but you will be notified if your story is accepted via message board.

Before submitting your story, please make sure it meets the following criteria:

Your story features a myth, legend, or folktale from a specific culture. Invented mythologies are only welcomed if you are submitting to our Mythopoeia & Invented Mythologies Reading List. We do not accept Werewolf or Vampire stories, unless they are directly tied to a cultural legend.

- Your submission does not contain Fanfiction or Poetry.

- Your story must adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines. Stories that do not adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines will not be considered.

- We accept stories in English, Spanish, Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese.

- Stories must be marked complete. If your story is ongoing, it must be updated at least once a month and contain at least ten chapters (not including author notes, playlists, prefaces, mood boards, dedications, trailers, etc.) to demonstrate a willingness to continue a story. To build your reader base as a Mythic Fantasy author, it's important to understand frequent updates will benefit you tremendously and help maintain a consistent audience.

- Please only submit one story at a time.

- Your story should be written as a final product–it must be proofread with little to no mistakes to impede our ability to engage and understand your story. It must also demonstrate a strong opening hook and original, engaging plot.

- Please ensure that your story is categorized as Fantasy.

Ready to Submit?

All submissions must be made via the linked form. Please note that any submission attempts made on our message board or in the comment section will not be considered as an official submission and will be deleted as spam.

We reserve the right to block users if such attempts are made repeatedly, regardless of the number of warnings.

You can access the submission form via the in-line comment here —>

Once everything is filled out, press submit and you're done! If you don't receive notice that your story was accepted within a month, it means your story was not accepted. After this time, you are welcome to make necessary edits to your story and resubmit the same story, or submit a completely different story.

Kindly note that submission via our form does not guarantee you a spot in our reading lists. All submissions are screened to ensure they meet Wattpad Content Guidelines and the profile requirements before a decision is made. This is to ensure we are not featuring stories that contain harmful representation and our community receives quality stories for the Mythic Fantasy community to read.

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