4 ~ Meeting

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I was thinking which dress should I wear. All of my dresses were old and a bit wasted.

I searched that Fiorella restaurant. I was expecting it go be like elegant and high so, but I didn't expect it to be that much. One meal costed more than five hundred dollars. Even if the best cooks in the world worked there, food wasn't made out of gold to cost that much.

But on the other hand, I wasn't the one paying for it. I had sugar daddy. It was weird saying that but at the same time, exciting.

My mind went back to dresses. I decided on beige silky one because that was the only one in which I could see myself going in that restaurant.

I packed it in my bag and did my makeup beforehand. I put in a pair of heels I got for my birthday and dressed casually.

I cancelled meeting with Marcia to go on a date. She was disappointed, I heard it in her voice over the phone. It made me feel bad but I knew I had to do this. For my family.

I'll be there in 15 minutes.

I sent the message to him and put my backpack on. I brushed my hair once more before rushing out of the room.

''Mom, dad! I'm hanging out with Marcia for a few hours.'' I said.

''Okay, honey. Be careful.'' Mom said and dad waved as I exited the house. My heart thumped against my chest as if I had ran marathon.

I started walking fast to the restaurant that was ten minutes from my house. Not what I expected when I have seen the location.

On my way there I stopped in the coffee shop and went to the toilete.
There were two women who spared me a glance as I disappeared in one of the stalls.

I took my shoes off while I was removing my shirt. I slid down my jeans and put everything in the backpack.

I took the dress and slid it over my head carefully as it fell over my hips. I finished with shoes and put the backpack on. I didn't know where would I put it but now that I was finally done, I could care less.

I fixed my hair and makeup real quick. I looked at my watch to see that five minutes passed. I had another five minutes to arrive but it felt easier now that I was ready.

When I arrived there I stood near the entrance waiting for him to arrive. I lifted my watch to see that it just turned 7 when I heard roaring of the car.

I brought my head forward when I saw 6'4 dark haired man coming out of the car. His nice suit hugged him in all places. It was tailored for him.

And I realize that he is my sugar daddy.

That handsome man is my sugar daddy.

He looked around when his eyes landed on me. He looked me up and down and I felt bare. Shiver ran down my spine when he closed the door and started moving to me.

''Milla, right?'' He smirked and took my hand before kissing the back of it.

''Yes.'' I answered. I couldn't let myself crumble in front of this mountain of a man.

''Shall we go in?'' He suggested and I nodded. I held my backpack in my hand, hiding it behind my leg as we entered the restaurant.

''Manchini.'' Alessandro said. The lady nodded as we followed her to the emptier part of the restaurant.

There was a sign VIP as she led us inside. There was a round table with two chairs on opposite sides. I was baffled seeing the expensive furniture and the smell of vanilla was noticeable.

The lady left us and Alessandro took the chair out for me.
''This is very beautiful.'' I stated.

''Yes, it is. Very beautiful.'' He said staring at me. I blushed averting my gaze to the table.

''So why did you apply to the site?'' He asked. I looked up to meet his penetrating gaze.

''It sounded interesting.'' I lied. He raised his perfect eyebrow.

''Oh really? And which one of it sounded iteresting? Money, sex, older men?'' He said with harsh tone making me almost flinch.

''That's why that site exists? Right?'' I asked bravely.

''You're right.'' He said as waiters entered the room. She set the table and a bottle of expensive wine.

''Thank you.'' I said. The waiter looked at me puzzled before following the other ones. I was confused as why would he make that face.

''It's probably the first time he heard a  thank you in here.'' Alessandro said answering all of my questions.

''People who come here are rich and snobby and bad mannered.'' He answered yet another question.

''That's not very nice.'' I said, feeling bad for the waiters and waitresses here. They don't even get a thank you after their hard work.

''You're eighteen, right?'' He asked.

''Yes. I wouldn't apply if I wasn't.'' I answered smoothly. He chuckled deeply.

''Of course. Let's eat. The food will get cold.'' He said.

''And to warn you beforehand. My only rule is to not catch feelings.'' He said, protruding his gaze.

Little did he know, he will be the first one to brake that rule.


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