Chapter five//Number Four

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I SIMPLY STARED AT THE TABLE, THINKING ABOUT WHAT I HAD JUST BEEN TOLD. Three women in three weeks. One woman a week. Daniel hadn't shown anything that would suggest he was capable or even think of doing something like that but he was smart. Maybe he managed to keep that part of him a secret.

"Do you think Daniel Butcher took them?" I reluctantly asked, already knowing the answer but needing the confirmation.

"Yes." Hotch said, "each woman has been of a similar age, and brunette. We know that they all must have been taken by the same person."

"We need to ask you a few questions about Daniel Butcher." JJ said, squinting her eyes slightly. She had blonde hair and seemed rather nice, she wasn't as intimidating as Hotch was.

I nodded. "Okay. What do you need to know?"

"Has Daniel ever shown any signs of aggression? Perhaps tried to attack others at the hospital, anything like that." Agent Morgan tipped his head to the side as he rested one arm on top of the table.

I scoffed slightly with a half-smile. "It's a psychiatric hospital, almost every patient I work with shows aggression." I began, pausing for a moment before I continued with a sigh. "Although, I suppose, Daniel was always the worst. But he's a psychotic, narcissistic schizophrenic, it's to be expected."

"What do you know about his childhood?" Rossi then asked, crossing his arms over his chest. It was intimidating to have this group of people staring at me like this but I pushed all nerves to the depth of my stomach.

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. "Daniel doesn't open up easily so I didn't get much from him about his past." I saw the other's disappointment at what I had said so I assumed this information may have helped them a lot.

"I did, however, do my own research." I continued, looking between each person as their eyes all got directed back to me.

"What did you find out?" Prentiss queried. She had dark hair and a fringe, she, just like JJ, seemed kind.

"Daniel's father wasnt a good person, he abused Daniel.His mother died Christmas of 82 and his sister passed only four years ago from a car accident."

"Sister?" Doctor Reid spoke for the first time. "I-Garcia didnt find anything about a sister."

Rossi then called Garcia in, and she stood at the door  whilst being told what to look for before leaving to do as told.

"Is there anywhere Daniel had talked about with you? Somewhere he might go?" Morgan carried on with the questions.

"Like I said, Daniel didn't open up very much and, when he did, it was short. He did, however, mention a farm he had grown up on."

"Do you know the address?" JJ then asked.

I shook my head. "No. I've looked into it but couldn't find anything, it's like the place never existed."

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