1| Birthday

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Chapter 1: Birthday (Ava's POV)

I sat in the living room between my dad and brother, the three of us waiting for my mom and sister to be ready. 

"I bet ten more minutes," Ashton said. 

"I bet twenty," Dad mumbled. 

"I bet half an hour," I said, assessing my nails. They both stared at me in shock. "You're underestimating them," I smiled sarcastically. 

"It's just another ball, we go to these all the time," Ashton groaned. 

"You take your job too casually," Dad warned. "Don't forget, you're not just Rhys' friend, you're also head of security at the palace." 

"It's not like you're not friends with the king, you practically are. Plus, I'm quitting soon, what does it matter?" 

"Yeah, why are you quitting?" I turned to him. 

"I'm bored of working at the palace and it's annoying being around Rhys all the time. I need a break," he scoffed. 

I sighed, staring ahead of me. It's annoying to hear his name all the time. I mean, I get it, he's the prince but relax. 

"Make sure you wish him when we get there," Dad ordered. 

"I already did," Ashton shrugged. 


"Hmm?" I turned to my dad. 

"Wish him, all right?" 

I nodded obediently. 

Exactly half an hour later, Brooke came downstairs and a moment later, my mother came out of the bedroom too. "Let's go, finally," Ashton mumbled, all of us standing up and heading out. 

"Ashton, you take Brooke and Ava. Honey, come with me," Dad sighed, taking mom and opening the passenger door for her. 

"I call shotgun," I said, opening the passenger door for myself and climbing in as Ashton climbed into the driver's seat and started the car while Brooke slipped into the back. 

"I wanted to be back here anyway," she scoffed, taking out a cigarette and lighter from her clutch. 

I turned to look at her while Ashton started driving. "When are you going to quit, Brooke?" 

"When I want, Ava. If you don't like the smoke then roll your window down," she smiled coldly. 

"You roll your window down if you're smoking, Brooke," Ashton replied. 

She sighed, intentionally blowing smoke our way. "It's always you two against me. Such bullies." She rolled the window down nonetheless and smoked that way. Ashton and I looked at each other but we both remained quiet. Ever since Brooke broke up with her boyfriend, she's been spiraling and we're all worried about her. She flicked her cigarette out once she was done and then rolled up the window. 

I stared out the window until we arrived at the palace where Ashton gave the keys to Jeffery, the palace chauffeur. I'm more than familiar with the palace and palace staff. With my dad being the Marshal and Ashton being head of security, we've been here plenty of times. We all practically grew up here and the king and queen treated us as their own. I used to like it until all the girls at school started asking about the prince and the only friends I had wanted to simply meet Rhys. 

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