8| Missing

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Chapter 8: Missing (Rhys' POV)

I parked the car in their driveway and climbed out, my parents' car right behind me while they too climbed out and we all walked to their front door. I rang the bell, sighing in frustration and resting one hand on the doorframe. Ashton opened the door quickly and stepped aside, letting us in. 

We walked into the living area where Mr. Roman was pacing, Mrs. Pearl was crying, and Ashton looked just as stressed as his father. Ava was nowhere to be seen. And of course, neither was Brooke. Because she fucking ran away last night. 

This morning, Mr. Roman called my father and Ashton called me saying they had no idea where Brooke was. When I asked for clarification, he told me that they found a note left on her bed with her closet left open and mostly empty. She took all the important things with her and she fucking ran away. 

I am going to kill her with my bare hands the moment I find her, I promise. 

"What is happening?" Dad sighed, asking all three of them. "Where's Brooke?" 

Ashton looked at his parents who seemed in no condition to answer. "We don't know," he said hesitantly. He seemed embarrassed and at the same time, concerned for his sister. 

"What happened?" Mom questioned. 

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I went to wake her up this morning and call her for breakfast. She wasn't answering so I let myself in and her room was empty. She left a note on the bed." He grabbed it off the coffee table and handed it to me. "And took everything with her. She... ran away." 

"This is all because of that boy!" Mrs. Pearl exclaimed. "I warned her. I told her to stay away from him, but she never listens," she cried out. 

"What boy?" my dad asked. 

Ashton glanced at me and I shook my head softly. This isn't his fault or anybody else's except for Brooke. I don't want them to be in trouble or ruin their relationship with my parents. This is a disaster. 

"What boy?" Dad repeated. 

"It doesn't matter," I cut in. "Whoever it is, that doesn't matter. What matters is that Brooke is gone, okay? Who she went with doesn't matter right now. She's gone, so what now?" I huffed. 

"We should try to find her, right?" Ashton suggested. 

"You, come with me." I walked into the kitchen with Ashton so we could talk without our parents hearing. "Do you know where that guy moved to?" 

"Who? Griffin?" he whispered.

I nodded. 

He shook his head softly. "She didn't tell me." 

"Where else would she go, Ashton? Good God, how did none of us think of it? She only agreed to marry me so she had a clear way out. Once she agreed, nobody would think she still wants to be with that guy. She took her first chance and ran." I ran a hand through my hair. "Okay, who could know where he is? Anyone?" 

"I don't know any of his friends, but... Ava might. Brooke might have told Ava where he's moving to. She could know." 

"And where is she?" 

He hesitated, "She's sleeping." 

I stared at him, stunned. "Her sister ran away and nobody bothered to wake her up?" 

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