An hour and a half later....

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Ugh! I have to get up. It's been an hour already.

But I still have a headache and I'm super nauseous, what's wrong with me?

I pull the covers back, sit up and let my legs hang over the side of the bed. My head is pounding! Why?! Just shake it off, shake it off. Esperanza you are fine, and no little headache is going to stop you.

I jumped off my bed and instantly regretted it, the room started spinning, and I felt the bile coming up my throat. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths; the dizziness was subsiding, and I was able to stop myself from throwing up.

This is nothing a little tea and maybe soup can't fix, I told myself as I got dressed.

I decided to wear one of my casual pink gowns, something that I didn't need to fuss over and can easily put on without getting dizzy. I combed my hair into a simple ponytail and added some blush on my cheeks.

Man, I do look sick, maybe I should see a doctor. Nope! No! Nonsense I am fine, and I have work to do.

I exited my room and walked towards the garden, maybe some fresh air will help.

I arrived at the garden and sat on one of the benches taking in the scenery.

I wonder how everyone is doing.... My parents and in laws decided to take a few months of vacation and go off exploring different countries. Alexis left with Mateo to go visit Erica in her kingdom. It's been nice just having the castle to Nick and I but I do miss them.

Bark! Bark! I turned and saw Mannie running towards me, he jumped on to the bench and licked my cheek. I couldn't help but giggle and rub his head.

"Hello, to you too pup! What have you been up to?" I asked.

He panted and wagged his tail, then tilted his head.

"What Mannie?" he whined and kept tilting his head. He came closer and sniffed my mouth, my chest and then my stomach. I pushed him away because it tickled.

"Mannie, stop that tickles" I said pushing his head away, but he snaked his head around my hand and pawed at my stomach.

"No, Mannie stop, you will rip my dress" I picked him up and placed him on the ground. I felt the headache begin to pound again; I rubbed my forehead in efforts to ease the pain.

Mannie started to whine again "Don't worry pup, I'm fine". I heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Alfredo behind me.

"Good morning Reina Esperanza" Alfredo said bowing to me.

"Good morning Alfredo" I replied hugging him in response.

"I hear you are not feeling well, don't even bother in trying to deny it. I can see it all over your face. Nicholas is waiting for you in his study with a bowl of soup and tea ready". I could see that there was no way I was going to be able to convince him that I was alright.

I sighed "Doesn't anyone believe me when I say that I am fine?"

"With all due respect, no, especially when it is so evident. Now please go drink your tea and eat your soup, Nicholas is very worried about you, and it wouldn't be fair to torture him this way".

"Geez, nice guilt trip Alfredo. Fine! I will drink the tea and eat the soup!" I said defeated.

"It's for your own good and for Nicholas's peace of mind. Esperanza, there was a point in time where Nicholas thought he would lose you; don't put him through that again. Let him call the doctor and have you checked out."

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant