One Month Later

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It had been one month since the wedding, one month since the royal family of Costa Luna was banished and one month of pure bliss for everyone. Rey Francisco and Reina Roselia were still beaming with happiness at their daughter's recent nuptials. Rey Diego and Reina Emelina had returned to Castellon to attend to royal matters and ending all ties with the kingdom of Costa Luna. Princessa Alexis and Captain Mateo grew closer and closer until Captain Mateo had to return with the Rey and Reina back to Costa Luna. Although they had been separated, they both wrote each other letters every day. Esperanza and Nick were scheduled to return from their honeymoon today. The time had come for a decision to be made, a coming of age decision that happens in every primary heir's life. The decision for Rey Francisco and Reina Roselia to step down and name Princess Esperanza Reina of Quisqueya had come. The trumpets resounded as they announced the arrival of Esperanza and Nick.

"Can you believe it; we have been gone for a month"

"The best month of my entire life, I love you" Nick responded and kissed Esperanza.

"I love you" Esperanza replied.

The carriage arrived at the front entrance of the castle, and Esperanza could already see her family waiting to greet her and Nick. As they got out of the carriage they were first greeted by Alfredo.

"Your highnesses, welcome back!" he said with a deep bow.

"Thank you, Alfredo" Esperanza said as she hugged him.

"I trust that everything was to your liking?" Alfredo asked.

"Trust me Alfredo you have no idea" Nick said with a sly smile and hugged Esperanza from behind.

"Ew gross, do you guys mind? I just had breakfast!" Alexis exclaimed.

Esperanza put some space between herself and Nick, Nick on the other hand was not having it and grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

"Don't worry little sister, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if it was you and Mateo" Nick said with his eyebrow lifted. Judging by the look on Alexis's face I knew that she had a few things that she wanted to say but couldn't because Alfredo was there and my parents that were close behind her.

"I'll get you back for that one!" Alexis said as she passed Nick.

"Welcome back you two!" Reina Roselia said as she hugged Esperanza and Nick. "Any grandchildren yet?" Reina Roselia said to Esperanza.

"Mother! We have only been married for a month!" Esperanza exclaimed.

"But don't you worry Reina Roselia, I will make sure that we get you as many grandchildren as you like, soon". Nick said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh, aren't you a charmer!" Reina Roselia replied.

"Not that soon! And how many children are you thinking?" Esperanza said asking Nick.

"As many as possible!" Nick replied.

"You do realize that these kids will be coming out of me, right?"

"You being the mother of my children makes it all the better and it makes me love you more"

"Nice try! I will not be giving birth to an army".

"It would be a beautiful army, all of them looking just like their mother.....Let's start now!" Nick said as he lowered his face to kiss Esperanza.

"Hold it you two! We are still present!" Reina Roselia stated.

"Yes, and there are matters that we must discuss" Rey Francisco stated.

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