Chapter 12

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Five and I have been working on a probability map for a few hours now. I also ended up changing back into my uniform while Grace cleans the other clothes I got. Both outfits smelled like Vodka and it was giving me a headache. Five is currently standing on his bed finishing the equations and I am double checking the equations he wrote.

"That one is wrong," I say.

I get on the bed next to Five and point to the answer he just wrote down.

"How did you get 103? The answer is 87."

"Fine, if you can do it better you finish it," Five says, handing me the chalk.

"Alright I will," I say with a smile.

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I finished the probability map and narrowed it to four people.

"Okay, I think I've got something, Five," I say.

I circle the four names on the wall.

"It's tenuous but promising."

"You did it. You actually finished it," Five says with a smile.

"Well yeah duh. Why? Did you think that I couldn't do it?" I ask.

"No I knew you could do it but I thought you would still need my help. You didn't ask me to help you at all."

"What can I say, you got a smart wife."

"I've known that for a while," Five says with a laugh as he gets on the bed.

"What is all this?" Luther asks as he walks into Five's room.

"It's a probability map," Five tells him as he looks at the names I circled.

"Probability of what?"

"Of whose death could save the world. I've narrowed it down to four," I tell Luther as I get off the bed.

I grab Vanya's book, which now has a bunch of equations written in them, and double-check to make sure everything is correct.

"Are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asks.

"No, she is saying that their death might prevent it," Five tells Luther.

"Oh. I'm not following," Luther whispers.

I slam the book close and set it on Five's desk.

"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum," I tell him.

"The butterfly effect," Five adds in.

"Right. So all we have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them."

"Oh, yeah... Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?" Luther asks as he looks at the names on the wall.

"I believe he is a gardener," Five says.

He finishes writing down the names in a notebook and closes it.

"You can't be serious. Wait, this is madness, yall. You..."

Five pulls out a rifle from under his bed and Luther just stares at him.

"Wh... where did you get that?" Luther asks.

"In Dad's room," I say while packing my bag.

"I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros," Five says, "It's similar to the model we used at work. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable."

"But you guys can't... This guy Milton is just an innocent man," Luther says.

"It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If we did nothing, he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone," Five tells him.

"We don't do this kind of thing," Luther tells us.

"We aren't doing anything," Five says pointing to Luther, Me, and him, "Y/N and I are."

"I can't let you go and kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save."

"Well, good luck stopping us," I say as Five and I head out the door.

"You're not going anywhere."

Five and I turn around and see Luther holding Delores outside the open window. I let out a scoff and take her out of Luther's hand with my telekinesis.

"You really think that is going to scare us?" I ask.

"No, but I know this will."

Luther rushes over to me and grabs me by my shirt collar and tie. He holds me outside the window. I look down to see how high up I am. If he throws me I could die. My feet dangle as I try to get back in the window. Five picks up the rifle and points it at Luther

"Put... Her... Down," Five says.

"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone. She's your best friend and is important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun. You decide," Luther tells Five.

"She's your sister. You wouldn't dare," Five tells him, still pointing the gun at Luther.

"Oh yeah? Try me!"

I fell Luther let go and throw me out the window. I was about to scream but I feel a pair of arms grab me. It was Five. He carries me inside and sets me on his bed with me sitting on his lap. I can feel my legs still shaking and my heart beating really fast. Five pulls my head to his chest and strokes my hair.

"Hey, it's okay. I caught you. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine," I say.

I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"I can keep doin' this all day," Luther says.

I get up from Five's lap and walk over to Luther. I just look up at him for a few seconds. I then did something I have wanted to do for a long time. I punch him in the stomach. I kept punching him but he didn't seem bothered.

"YOU ASSHOLE! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME," I yell at him, still punching his stomach.

Five walks over to me and holds me back. He takes me over to his bed and sits me back down on his lap.

"I knew he would catch you," Luther says.

"Oh yeah? And what if he didn't? What if he didn't get there on time?" I ask.

"I know you're still good people. Otherwise, you all wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But it's not just you two anymore," Luther tells us, ignoring my question.

"There is one way," Five says.

I just let out a sigh. I know this isn't going to end well.

"But it's just about impossible."

"More impossible than what brought you back here?"

Luther leaves the room and Five and I sit in silence. When we are sure he can't hear us I get up and close the door.

"If you do this, I am coming with you," I say as I grab Five's hand.

"No. Absolutely not. It's too risky. You could get hurt!"

"Either you take me with you or you are not going at all."

Five lets out a sigh.

"Okay, fine let's go," he says.

Fun Fact: When Y/n and Five were younger, they would have math competitions to see who was better at math. Y/n always won because she cheated. She would reboot Five when he was doing a problem causing him to mess up.

The Time Traveler's Wife (Book 1) Five x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang