Chapter 21

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Me, Five, Klaus, and Diego all walk up to Harold Jenkins's house. I was kinda nervous about what we would find. For all I knew, we could end up finding Vanya's dead body. Diego sticks his hand through the, still broken, glass door and unlocks it. We walk around the house looking for anything. Five and I look upstairs while Diego and Klaus look downstairs. After a few minutes, we hear Klaus yell.

"Five! Y/N! Come here."

We run downstairs to Klaus and Diego. They were in the kitchen staring at something or should I say...someone. There was Harold's body lying in the dining room. The table was destroyed and there was glass everywhere. Harold's body had a whole bunch of sharp objects stabbed into him. Klaus goes closer to the body and looks at it.

"It's not exactly what I was expecting," Klaus says.

"The understatement of the year," Five says.

"There's no sign of Vanya," I tell them.

"Let's get out of here before the cops come," Diego says as he and Klaus walk to the front door.

"In a minute," I say.

I look at Five and he takes the fake eye out of his back pocket. He walks up to the body and looks at it. There was a bandage over Harold's eye. Five pulls the bandage off and throws it somewhere. He puts it in the eye socket and we look at it. I was in shock. The eye matched his other one.

"Same eye color, same pupil size," I whisper.

Five looks up and turns around towards Diego and Klaus.

"Guys this is it. The eye we've been carrying around for decades, it... It's found its rightful home. We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse," Five says.

I was happy but something didn't feel right.

"Yay! Let's go," Klaus cheers.

"No, no. Wait, wait. It can't be this easy," Five says.

"I agree," I tell him.

I pull out the note from the commission and show it to Diego and Klaus.

"Look, this is the note that we got from the Commission. The one that says, Protect Harold Jenkins, aka Leonard Peabody," I say as I point to Harold's body.


"But who killed him? Who did this?" Five asks.

"I have a crazy idea. Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya...and ask her what happened," Klaus suggests.

"If Vanya got away from this asshole, she might be headed back to the Academy," Diego says.

I nod my head and Five grabs my hand. He blinks us to the living room of the academy. I sit on the couch of the academy and Five does the same. We sit in silence for about 10 minutes until we hear the front door open. It was Diego and Klaus.

"Spread out and look for Vanya," I tell all of them.

They nod their heads and we all go look for Vanya.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

I looked for Vanya almost everywhere in the academy but she was nowhere. I met Diego, Five, and Klaus by one of the staircases of the academy.

"No sign of Vanya," Five says.

"She's not in any of the rooms."

"She's not downstairs, either."

"I couldn't find her," I say.

"Well, I'm out," Diego says.

He ruffles my hair as he walks away.

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