Author's Note

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Dear readers,

In this book, I will be writing about global and political issues, from my own perspective. These topics will include gay rights (or the lack thereof), modern racism, modern sexism, etc.

Before we begin, I would like to say four things:

1. If misrepresent any information, please tell me so I can fix it.

2. Feel free to leave your opinion about the topic being discussed in the comments, but please refrain from being rude, either to me or to other people commenting.

3. I don't think any of you know this, but I run a feminist Instagram page (@feministfeminist) that is fairly popular, I have about 4.6k followers. On that account, I decided to ask my followers things they would like me to discuss, which is where almost all of these topics are coming from. In case you're curious.

4. Building onto that, if any of you would like to suggest a topic for me to write about, feel free to comment it below!

Thank you all, I hope you find this book enjoyable as well as enlightening.

-Charlie H.

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