On Catcalling

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One point about catcalling (and there's so many I could talk about) is that you'd think that if a guy truly wanted to attract a girl, and then that girl said that she was not attracted to his catcalling, he would immediately change his approach and maybe even apologize. But typically, people who catcall don't do this. Which makes me believe that all that "how are we supposed to show girls we're attracted to them without catcalling????!?" crap is complete bullshit. Guys who catcall don't give a damn whether or not you find it attractive or not, because they aren't trying to attract you.

So why do they do it? There's an interesting quote from a woman (I don't remember her name) who essentially said that it is because they want to display their dominance. Even if it's subconsciously, that is still the intent. Guys who catcall are saying "I have the right to say whatever I want about your body and you can't do anything about it because I am a male and you are a female" and that is why it is not a fucking compliment.


This came from a rant I posted to my Instagram account. like I literally just copy-pasted it aha. Comment your thoughts on catcalling below

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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