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Steve and the team told you did great that day, and of course tried to make you feel better saying that each mission may turn up not completely fine, or safe. You did know that very well, remembering the days at the emergency dept in hospital when the Avengers were out in battles.

Anyhow, that was still an awful afternoon, you felt miserable and sick as the images of the explosion continued to play before your eyes, like an horrow movie.

You dind't spoke a single word all the way back home, despite Loki cradled you to his chest the entire flight back.

When you all step out from the elevator, the TV was on in the living room and a special edition of news was playing on it.

< Thirty five citizens were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Washington, today. Y/N, most recent member of the unit, lost control of a blast of fire she was trying... >

Tony was the first to stand up from the armchair in the living room, grabbed the remote control from the small table before him and turned off the TV. Thor and Bruce stood up in syncro and looked in your direction, seeking silently how bad you were doing. Before Steve could start going over the entire story, you told them you needed some rest, and quiet, and you would had gone in your bedroom to lie down for a while.

"Would you like me to walk you upstairs?" Natasha asked you, in a very warm and sympathetic way. You shaked your head in deny, thus you managed to small smile at her. "Kid, we are here when you change your mind" Tony layed one hand on your shoulder from which you politely ducked away. You caught glance of Loki's expression of pain and sorrow before looking down at your feet, feeling miserable and guilty, and slipped away silently.


You buried yourself in your room but you didn't slept, nor lied down, of course. You simply sat against the headboard of your bed, wrapping your knees to your chest, clutching thigh the front of your 'Queen' t-shirt, replaying that day's events over and over again.

It was just a couple of hours later, when the soft, polite knock at the door and the worried tone of the call that follow make you revive again. "Darling?" It was Loki's voice. Of course.

You slowly went off your bed and opened the door, founding his worried, apologetic glance at having interrupted your moment of solitude. He was holding a tray with a tea set and you cracked the smallest smile, opening the door wider and gesturing for him to come in.

He set the tray on your bed and settled gracefully on the edge of it; you joined him, sitting carefully across the tray from him so not to spill anything, bracing your knees again. "Mother always brought me tea when I was sad, or upset" he told quickly, smiling fondly at the memory, in the clear attempt to break your silence. You silently thanked him with a tilt of your head, and took gladly the steaming teacup he had poured for you, sipping some. His small relief was almost tangible.

You both sipped on your tea for a moment, before he broke the silence again.

"It was not your fault" he told you simply, as it was a matter of fact. "The control of your magic is not perfect, and we do all know that. No one is upset by the outcome of the mission. No, neither the SHIELD council." he added quickly when he saw your eyes rounding with panic. "Fury is cleaning up some things, so the press will be smoothed out as well." he added and smiled wider at your sigh of relief.

He gentled even more his tone "The guys are worried about you, darling. They would like you to join dinner. Will you come?" You took a deep breath, put down the teacup and reached for his hand, grabbing it and interlacing his fingers around yours, seeking desperately for something to anchor to.

Soul Healer (Loki x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu