Chapter 2

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The drive began with engine roaring out of the main gate. Jungkook was seated at the back, with Taehyung right beside him.

The journey was mostly silent, credits to the breathtaking sceneries that had the tourist and his guide spellbound.

Jungkook couldn't help but poke his head out of the car's window, feel the wind brush against his hair.

The place was so much more than it's pictures. The smell of fresh grass and clear blue sky along with the ringing of distant bells.

And right now older drew a conclusion in his head, a fact actually, that If there were ever to be a place named "holiday", it would look like this.

The drive was accompanied with Taehyung giving few details and descriptions here and there about the place's history and culture, though he made sure to not interrupt the older from his mesmerized state.

As for Jungkook, he couldn't ask for a better get-away.

He had never been to this side of the country before. Cities after cities and countries all across the globe and yet he never came across a beauty as such.

He had only heard of this town from his parents, several times though. Hence Aussoville, after competing against some of the most popular cities across the world, became THE ultimate destination for his first ever solo trip. And going by his guide's statements, he could only look forward to it more and more.

"OHMYGOD!", he gasped almost jumping in his seat.

"What happened?", The younger inquired, worried.

Jungkook pointed towards the green pastures where a flock of sheeps were grazing. "Look at that!", he exclaimed.

"Sheeps?", the guide questioned, not being able to comprehend the reason behind his tourist's sudden freak out.

"I have never seen sheeps of this sort! They are- Different. They look like cotton bundles walking around!", he exclaimed reasoning his amusement without taking his eyes off the flock grazing over pastures.

The brunette giggled at the explanation.

"And they have black ears OHMYGOD!", he gasped again, earning another giggle from the man beside him.

It was clear from the older's expression that it was indeed his first time watching these animals up close. Endeared, Taehyung couldn't help but tap over car driver's shoulder. And next moment the car was getting parked on one side of the smooth grey road.

"Want to meet them?", Taehyung said as if asking a kid to go to a park. And he got a look exactly a kid would give as the older nodded in a 'yes' with sparkle in his big eyes.

"Come with me", he got off the car, older soon following behind as they began walking towards the group of sheeps.

Jungkook was happily hopping before something struck him, halting his steps.

"Won't they attack us if we go near them?", Jungkook asked with a bit of hesitation, rethinking the idea of going up close to the creatures that had his mouth gaping less than a minute ago.

"No. And besides they are all ewes and the lambs- momma and baby sheeps I mean. If anything it might be the other way around."

"Oh. And we can touch them?"


"You'll see", younger of the two smiled somewhat mischievously, as if walking the other on in an adventure, an adventure that should've been avoided at all costs and now, it was too late.

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