Chapter 9: The truth

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After quite a walk we got to a giant, thick blast door. It was made of a black metal, creating a contrast with the surrounding white walls. The weird thing was, there was an inscription on it, but written in latinich alphabet. It said 'Controll center' . That made me realise the truth of Xel-Kas's statement earlier. We are more alike one another the I thought. There was something connecting us, our two civilzations, which were obviously in contact before. The massive door opened creating a squealing sound of mechanisms in charge of doing so. It opened a passage into a big dark room with countless hologram projections, monitors, desks and many other detalis with a futuristic touch to them. It ressembled a very famous control room, the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise, but much larger and darker. Several Prodyans were present, moving around and doing their jobs, but stopped as soon as they noticed a strange entity enter their surroundings. I was looking around and met Xel-Kas with my sight. 

-Aevos. Come in. Thank you, Leh-nna.- he said. She bowed and walked around. The door closed behind me. 

-SIt down.- he showed me with his hand to a chair, and so I did. 

-So you want the truth?- he asked. 

-Yes.- I replied affirmatively. 

-That was retorical.- he said. -So, Aevos Hospes, Earthling, eighteen and a half years old on the day when you were taken.- he read a holographic view of a document. 

-Well, not exactly, wait, what do you mean on the day I was taken?- it came to me. 

-Just listen. We know more about you than you think. You are a fascinating individual. You adapted so quickly to our Psi-com method and it hasn't harmed you one bit. Leh-nna told me you two had a conversation.- 

-Is it a problem?- I asked. 

-Not at all. This is how it is. There are trainings which are basic to our civilization. With those trainings you master control over sending information with an energy wave pattern, or the simply put, the power of your mind. Anybody can master it, anybody who has a nervous system with a brain like you or me. But, as for every ability you need to have some qualities in order to be able to use that ability. For the Psi-com, you need to have a medium level of brain efficiency. It would mean, you have to know how your brain works and be able to control it. At least some part of it. The minimal percentage of brain use is 29,81%. The Earthlings have a 19,82% which is still a weak development, considering the whole potential of a brain. 

-Well, how was I able to hear you or Leh-nna?- I asked. 

-In average, Earthlings....

-Please, stop with the Earthlings.- I interupted him. -It's offensive. Call us Earthers.- 

-Sorry, Earthers, in average have 19,82% of brain use. There is a significant number of Earthers who are able to use Psi-com, but you still haven't discovered it. However, you, are the first specimen to have crossed the 30% border among Earthers. And that's a lot for someone who doesn't know how to use it. Mostly, people with that much braing usage end up autistic, schizophrenic and similar beacause their mind is uncontrolable. You had problems with your dreams, concentration and multi-tasking. Your brain can handle it, but your mind can't. You didn't receive the adequeate training. Brain is a very delicate part of a human, and it has to be trained, as well it's user. You can think of it as two organisms living as symbionts. One wrong step, and you could have ended up psychotic. We have a level 45, 2% in average and we need and twenty years training program to learn control of it and we our quite far in development of Psi-com. The next step would be Telekinesis. You, my friend, have a long way to go, but no one says you may not reach our level one day, or maybe even surpass us. You Earthers are very special in one thing. Your bodies have no tails, claws or animal details. But your mind, evolves during your life, too. We are restricted with what we are born with. And that's it. But you, you can evolve during a life time. We can freely say, half of your training is already complete.- 

-You're talking of me as if I were a science project. As if you can use me for something. And what do you mean half of training? You just said twenty years!- I felt insulted, despite all those facts of a super evolved brain. 

-For your brain it is enough a ten year program. But, I can't tell you everything. Except one thing.- Xel-Kas started looking concerned. Something wasn't right. 

-What is it?!- I tried to pull it out of him. He pointed his fingers into my chest. I looked at my chest. 

-What?! Oh, you mean the scar? What about it?- 

-Tell me Aevos, how the wounds heal?- he asked me. 

-Well, wounds heal with time, but I... - and that's when it struck me. -How long?! HOW LONG WAS I OUT?!- I yelled with rage. 

Xel-Kas looked failry troubled to have to tell me this, which only made it harder for me. He mumbled something quietly, but I wasn't sure what I heard.

-Come again! How long?!- I was persistent. He rose his head and met his eyes with mine. 

-Three years.- he said, and I felt like I was poured upon with a bucket of ice water which was immediately overcome with heat from anger and rage. 

-THREE?! THREE FUCKING YEARS?!- I yelled. Everybody was looking at me now. -Why didn't you tell me?!- I was so angry. 'Wait a second. What's going on down there? Home? HOw is everybody? I have to go back!- my thoughts of concern replaced the thoughts of rage. 

-We will tell you what happened and give all the answers, if you promise us one thing.- Xel-Kas came to me and placed his arms on my shoulders. 


-Don't be hasty. You'll find out the situation too be much worse then you imagine.- he didn't try to calm me or worry me, he tried to persuade me. 

-How can you know what I imagine.... oh, right.- I recalled. -Alright.- I agreed. It's not like I had a choice. 

-One more reason you are special is the fact you survived your coma despite the gravity.- 


-Your physical strenght should not be able to withstand in a lying position more than a day, you made it year. Before it, you were in a water tank.- he explaing. 'So that's where water came from in my dream.'  I recalled. 

-But after three years, my muscles should have atrophied and want not.- 

-They were stimulated most of the time to keep them working. It's as if you had worked out physically. -

-Then I don't see what's the problem? Why do I still feel so heavy?- I asked. 

-You don't get it, Aevos. Gravitiy of our planet, and on this ship, is 4,16 G's.-

I was stunned and surprised by that fact. 

-So, I'm actually... - I started. 

-Three hundred and twenty six kilos. That's your weight right now. That's why you kept passing out. The pain the effort for moving at that weight is enormous. Honestly, we didn't expect of you to wake up for another six months at least.- the content on his face was more then visible. As if I was his greatest discovery. 

-Not the greatest. Almost.- Xel-Kas corrected me. 

-Whatever I think you hear! Dammit!- I was frustrated with that. 

-You'll be trained to do that too. Block out your thoughts. Now, let's get to the more important part.- he said. 

-More important?- I feared what it might be. 

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