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a tiny bullet driven through my fingers,
my father's roar and laughter that starts
to disappear while in the corner i see my
brother wetting his face with something
dark and like a scene from a horror movie
an illuminated pentagram on the floor and
a silent but ridiculous prayer rises from
the pit of our throats- a prayer for home,
a prayer for aunt maria's bonito gato that
sings its way through its cage and a fur ball
of veins pop out the spaces of my aunt's mouth
there we buried the miseries of our
centuries' kids in prayer and uncle luis complained as
he disappeared within the folds of a demon's
palm- and a kind offering of chicken bones
and wishful songs and expectations was
placed at the altar while my father gives
up his blood and sweat and my mom
throws her diamonds into the flare of a
beautiful family (the demon) and we sat
there watching the fire, the silent hum
of the winter outside our homes-
the wind dying.

a tiny bullet driven through my fingers,my father's roar and laughter that startsto disappear while in the corner i see mybrother wetting his face with something dark and like a scene from a horror moviean illuminated pentagram on the floor anda s...

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