7: Banana Popsicles

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Izuku's POV: 

Me and Kacchan made plans for today instead, since yesterday, we couldn't. So, Kacchan asked to take me out to his favorite cold treat shop. Yummys.

I heard they make great frozen yogurt! I never tried it though. 

I looked up from my phone once I heard the doorbell ring. 

''Izuku! Katsuki's here to pick you up!'' I heard my mom call from the kitchen. 

I sprung up from my bed and ran downstairs. Kacchan got himself a new car, so we don't need to walk. I feel so useless next to him. He's got so many job interviews, his own apartment, and a liscence, and a car... I feel like he doesn't need a dipshit like me... I'll just slow him down in his life plans. 

I walk out the door and hug my Alpha, giving him a kiss before getting in his car. He got in afterwards, before we drove off towards the edge of town. 

''I can't wait to show you my favorite treat there, okay? You've got to try it!'' Kacchan cheered, smiling at me. 

''What kind of treat?'' I giggle. He's so excited and it's sort of cute.

''I know it may sound gross, but... Banana Popsicles. Ever heard of them?''

I nod my head. I never tried them, but I've heard of them. Ochako used to talk to me about it in class... Speaking of her, I wonder how she's doing... I haven't heard of any of my former classmates since graduation! 

We pull up to Yummys and we both get out. I find a bench outside, and Kacchan goes in to buy two popsicles. The thought of me being in his way... It never left my head. It's stuck inside of my brain, and won't get out. A little voice inside of me keeps telling me to get out of his way and break up with him. But my gut says otherwise. I don't even know how this is possible. Can my gut disagree with my thoughts? 

I look up to Kacchan, who hands me a yellow stick. I take it, and bite into it. Cold.

Katsuki's POV: 

I scoff as Deku makes a face. He wasn't too smart to bite into something that cold. He smiles up to me as I sit down next to him. As we both munch on our treats, Deku brings up a subject. 

''Kacchan, are you okay with me being like this?'' He asks, a slight quiver in his voice. 

What the hell does he mean?


He sighs and licks the popsicle once more, before looking up to me. 

''Are you sure you're okay with being paired up with an Omega like me? I mean, I don't have a job, and I live with my mom. I'm 19, and I don't even have an idea of what to do with my life. Maybe... We should just stay friends. I know we're paired up, but only for a year. So, why do you not... remark me... In a year? I-I know I'm confusing...'' Deku mutters, looking down.


Not confusing at all. 

He wants to stay friends, and forget all about my marking. In a year, when our pairing expires, it's expired forever. He doesn't want me to renew it. Is he saying... 

''You want to break up?'' I ask, a lump in my throat. 


I stand up, grabbing his hand. We both throw out out popsicle sticks and start walking towards the car. 

''I want to stay with you, but I don't want to be an obstacle!'' Izu whined as we got in. 

He isn't an obstacle. 

I want to tell him, but I just stay quiet. 

We'll work this out...


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