14: Hana Bakugou

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Katsuki's POV: 

We walked into our house, greeted by my mom and dad. 

''Oh, Katsuki, Izuku! Oh, let me see her!'' My mom cheered, taking our daughter into her arms. 

''Where's Hiroki?'' I ask, looking at my smiling father. 

He pointed towards our son's room, as his smile faded. Hiroki didn't want a little sibling. He was scared that the new baby might take all of our attention. Me and Deku are both 24, and we have a 5 year old son and a 3 day old daughter. Hiroki and Hana. 

Since Hiroki didn't want a little sibling, we started telling him he'd be able to play with them and help us change their diapers and give them baths. He seemed to be a little more at ease with the subject after that, and he even started talking about how they'd play cars together. He seemed really exited to meet his little brother... Until we called him from the hospital yesterday, telling him it was a girl. He hung up on me.

We're getting home right now, and he doesn't want to come greet Hana. I leave Izu alone with my parents and our newborn daughter, as I walk towards Hiroki's room. I stand in the doorway and look at my son. Playing with his toys, he seems peaceful. I smirk and join him, all while he stays quiet.

''Hey Kiddo.'' I say bluntly, sitting down in front of him. ''Wanna come meet your little sister?'' I ask, gaining his attention. He shakes his head quietly, then looks away to pick up his cowboy figurine. ''Are you sure?'' I ask. He shakes his head again. ''I don't wanna...'' He mumbles, putting his figurine on his favorite black horse. I look down and smile. ''What's Joe up to now?'' I ask, pointing at his little cowboy. He smiles brightly at me and hands me another cowboy, and a greyish horse with brown ears. ''He's fighting the bad guy!'' Hiroki cheered, smashing his horse against mine.

''Again?'' I ask, scoffing.

''Yeah!'' Hiroki giggled, smashing them together again. I put down the figurine and watched my son's playful smile fade.

''Hiroki, you must come and see your sister. Like a big boy.'' I say, earning a pout from the boy.

''But I don't wanna little sister daddy! I wanna little brother! I don't wanna- I wanna be alone!'' he whined, looking away.

I take my son's hand and ask him to stand up. He cooperates, and follows me into the kitchen. Izu is sitting on the couch, holding Hana in his arms as he speaks with my parents. However, he stops when he notices me and Hiroki, and smiles. ''Hey... It's my favorite little boy!'' He cheers, smiling at our son.

Hiroki smiles back, approaching the sofa and sitting next to Deku, scooting closer to look at his younger sibling. My family is complete.

Izuku's POV:

Hiroki smiled and waved at the cooing baby in my arms. He seems to like her.

''Do you want to hold her?'' I asked, earning a nervous nod from my son.

He put out his arms, as I handed him Hana. ''Just keep her head up, and her bum.'' I say. He puts one of his tiny hands under her head, and the other on her butt, holding her up against his chest. Hana didn't seem too comfortable, so I put a pillow underneath her, on Hiroki's lap. Now, they both look more comfortable. Hiroki looked down at her and smiled brightly. I'm happy.

My family. I love them all so much. It's hard to believe me and Kacchan started out when we were just graduating...

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