Chapter 1

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     Kal slowly opened his eyes, unsure where he was. The last thing he remembered was taking a nap in his apartment. Was he hallucinating or something?

     "Hey. Hey, new guy" a voice says from above him, and Kal can barely make out the figure of a man wearing glasses that was crouched over him.

     "Wh-Where am I?" He asks as he sits up, confused.

     "You're in Hell," an old man with a grey beard says.

     "Shut up, Bill," the guy with glasses says, before turning back. "What's your name?" He asks, grabbing Kal by the hand and pulling him to his feet.

     "It's Kal. Kal Wardin"

     "I'm Dwight. We probably don't have much time. The Entity always puts the newbies in as soon as possible.
When you get to the Trial, follow our lead"

     Despite how many questions he had, Kal wouldn't get to ask any of them. Black smoke starts to pool at his feet, before rising up and engulfing him. Everything goes dark for a moment, before the smoke disappears, and Kal can get a good look at his surroundings.

     He was in some kind of small town. There were a bunch of houses scattered around, with a lone street that cut right down the middle. Also, Kal could see a bunch of meat hooks that were hanging from crudely built stands.

     "This way," a voice says, and Kal turns to see a guy in a police vest gesturing for him to follow. Since he doesn't have any idea what to do, Kal obliges, sticking close to the stranger.

     "The name's Leon. It looks like we're facing the Legion, so if he starts to chase you, try to stun him with a pallet"

     "A what?"

     "One of these" Leon pats a large rectangle of wood, pieced together with various types of planks.

     Kal is extremely confused, but Leon stops at a large generator on the second floor of a house and begins to work on it, piecing together a small set of wires. Kal follows and just starts to fiddle with the mechanical parts of it. There are quite a few screams in the distance, but the two just ignore them.

     There's a loud DING as they finish with the generator, and Leon leads Kal outside to the street outside. The two of them walk for about ten paces before they both freeze.
A guy with a long black beard and long hair was currently being skewered by what looked to be blood-colored spider legs. His body seems to disappear, and the legs bring. . . something up into the waiting arms of more legs. These move up until they eventually vanish.

     Once the legs are gone, Leon continues, but winces and looks down at his left arm. A burning sensation hits Kal's left forearm, and he checks to see what happened. To his surprise, there is a tattoo of the faces of Leon, the guy from earlier, and a girl with French braids. The guy from earlier had been crossed out by a red X, which couldn't be a good thing.

     Leon just shakes his head and keeps moving, Kal following close behind. After a moment, they come across another generator, and begin working on that one as well.
After about thirty seconds, a loud heartbeat starts thumping in Kal's ears, and he looks around for the source. Leon had gotten off the generator and was already running, but a short man in a hoodie wearing a mask runs up and stabs him with a knife, before turning to look at Kal. Leon had fallen to the ground and was crawling, trying to get away.

     The masked man holds his knife in an inverted grip and sprints after Kal, who lets go of the generator and books it. He looks for somewhere to go, but can't find anything except a large window on one of the houses. Kal races towards it, before diving to the left just as he reached it. The man with the knife couldn't stop his forward momentum in time, and ends up falling headfirst through the window.

     Now wasting a second, Kal runs to where he remembers Leon to be, but can't find him anywhere. Kal is worried for a moment, but checks his arm and sees that the other two people haven't been crossed out yet. The girl with French braids must have helped him.

     Kal quickly moves on, looking around for another generator. However, his eyes are drawn to a red locker that seems damaged and worn down. He opens it, and is shocked to find a bunch of bright neon throwing knives sitting in slots built into the interior.

     Kal grabs one and pulls, but it doesn't move at all. Try as he might, the knives won't budge an inch. Angry, Kal slams the locker shut, before another burning in his arm catches his attention. He watches as an X crosses out the girl with French braids, before another X crosses out Leon. Now he was alone.

     At this point, Kal was enraged. Not at the fact that the others had died. No, he was mad at the fact that they were helpless as they died. This wasn't fair!

     "Hey!" He yells at the top of his lungs, "I don't know what you are, but I'm not going to stand here and die without a fight! You hear me?! I want to fight, you son of a b***h!"

     There isn't an answer.

     "Fine! I'll do it myself! F**k you!" He yells, giving the sky the middle finger with both hands. He turns away and starts to walk to the main street when the sound of a quiet gong catches his attention. He turns and sees the locker that he had initially searched covered in that black smoke that he had seen before this 'Trial' started.

     Kal opens the locker, and is shocked to see that the contents have changed. Instead of neon throwing knives, there's a single KA-BAR knife with a wicked-sharp blade. Kal takes the knife and sees three words engraved on the blade.


     Kal flips the knife from a normal to inverted grip over and over again, getting a feel for the blade. It was well balanced and had a good grip on it. This would work nicely.

     Now that he had a weapon in his hands, Kal walks out of the street and stands in the middle.

     "WELL? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" He yells, making sure that this 'Legion' guy could hear him. After a few moments, the guy walks out from behind the corner of one of the houses, and starts to walk towards Kal.
Kal waits for him to get closer, before flipping his knife into an inverted grip and crouching down slightly. The other man eyes the knife, but seems very cocky.

     All of a sudden, the Legion rushes at Kal, aiming a knife strike at his throat. Ducking, Kal rushes underneath the other man's outstretched arm and delivers a long cut to his right side.

     The Legion looked very confused, as if it had never seen its own blood be spilled before. It presses on the deep cut, before lunging at Kal again.

     This time, Kal blocks the man's arm with his own and grabs the inside of his elbow, pulling the other male in closer before stabbing him in the stomach.

     The Legion has no time to react before Kal wrenches the knife from his gut and stabs him again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

     Eventually, the weak resistance that the Legion had been putting up ended, and Kal could barely hear him ask,


     Kal just leaned in close and tells him,

     "Don't f**k with a SEAL"

     Kal lets go of the other man, and the Legion falls to the ground, limp. Not even bothering to take the knife out of his stomach, Kal stands back and watches as a set of those spider legs descends and grabs the dead man. His body disappears, and Kal gets a better look at what happens. It looks like what the legs lift is a translucent version of the body.

     He watches as the legs and body disappear, before looking around.

     "So. . . what now?" He asks.

     Thankfully, the black smoke appears again, and quickly engulfs Kal.

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