Chapter Three

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It had taken hours to fall asleep that night.

James and I had continued to play games for a while afterwards but Amber hadn't left my mind for even a second. I wanted to go to her, to sneak into her room and finish what we'd started. But it was late... and her attitude had been hard to read.

"We'll see," she had said with a shrug.

What did that mean? That she didn't want to do anything like this again? Or was she just flirting, pretending to play hard to get?

I quickly shook my head. Why was I even thinking of doing something like that again? She was my best friend's little sister.

This was wrong. This was so wrong.

...But she had come to me first.

I pushed all of it from my mind and focused back on going to sleep...

...Desperately trying hard not to remember how great her lips had felt around my cock.


The next morning I sat at the table downstairs eating breakfast across from James.

I'd made some toast and was happily chatting away with my friend for some time when Amber emerged, dressed in a short strapless sundress.

"Morning, you two," she greeted with her normal polite smile.

My mind envisioned that same dirty smirk she was capable of, just under the surface hiding. I envisioned the way her tongue felt, slowly licking me...


"Morning," I smiled back.

She didn't act in the slightest as if anything had happened between us. Her demeanour was the same manner that you'd act towards an acquaintance. Was this her way of telling me it was a once-off thing?

She grabbed a bowl of cereal and sauntered over to join us, sitting by me at the table.

"What were your plans today?" she asked us, taking a bite of her food.

"I wanna go down to the games store and pick up a pre-order," James replied, chowing down the last piece of his toast. "Wanna come with me, Lucas?"

I went to reply but suddenly the feeling of someone's hand on my thigh paused me.

It was Amber.

She rubbed at my leg under the table, her hand creeping ever so closer to the top of my sweatpants as she felt me up.

"Um... yep," I replied, swallowing back against the nerves rising in my throat. "That sounds great."

Amber's hand then reached my cock and began squeezing me through the elastic fabric, making me harder with each passing second. I wanted her so bad... so goddamn bad. I wanted to finally hear her cries, feel her heat, feel her clench around me as I pushed into her over and over again.

"Alright, sounds good," James said, standing up. "I'm going to jump in the shower and we can get going in an hour?"

"Mhmm," I replied, focusing my attention back on the last of my toast so I wouldn't have to engage further.

But once James left upstairs, Amber got up only seconds after to take her bowl to the sink, acting as if she hadn't just been teasing me seconds earlier.

I could see her long, slender legs, poking out from her short white dress. The way the morning sun illuminated her dark hair, showing a myriad of lighter natural colours I wasn't expecting. She was stunning... perfect... and I wanted her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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