Training with Wolves

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Dani's POV

My body slams into the ground and I groan in pain. "You ok Dani?" Alice asks me.

"I'm fine" I grumble as Rosalie tells Emmett to be gentler with me. "He doesn't have to be gentle Rosalie. Newborns will hit harder then him" I remind her. As I get to my feet.

"Again?" Emmett and Jasper ask me.

"Yes, don't hold back Emmett" I tell him. He nods his head. We begin to circle each other. He lunges and I duck dodging his fist. I grab his arm and flip him. When I go to put him in a head lock. He head butts me and my nose cracks. He then puts me in a head lock.

"Ok, that's enough for now" Jasper states.

"I'm fine" I grumble as Alice helps me to my feet.

"You've been training none stop since last night" he tells me. "It's time for a break" he states.

"Fine" I say and he goes to spare with Emmett.

"Here" dad says hand me a bottle of blood. "It's deer, your favourite" he states.

"Thanks dad" I say and take a drink. I feel my nose heal as Emmett lands flat on his back. As Edward arrives with Bella.

"Again" Emmett tells Jasper once he was on his feet again. Edward and Bella walk over to us.

"Are you ok Dani?" Bella asks me concerned.

"I'm fine" I assure her.

"They're here" Edward states and we all look at the tree line. Eight wolves appear. I know the black one if Sam, the alpha. The rusty brown one is Jacob. The big grey one is Paul. I know three of the others are Jared, Embry and Quil. I don't know who the other two are? They must be new to the pack. The small light grey one looks like a girl though. Which is strange, I thought all shifters were male.

I notice Emmett having a staring contest with Paul. Both itching for a rematch. I race over and jump on Emmett's back. Breaking his staring contest. "What'cha doing big brother?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he mutters as Rosalie joins us.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form" Edward says.

"They came, that's what matters" dad tells him. "Will you translate?" he asks Edward. Who nods his head. Dad steps forward to be in front of Sam. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them" he states.

"They want to know how newborns differ from us" Edward tells him.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful, than in our first several months of this life" dad explains. He steps back and Jasper takes his place.

"Carlisle's right" he tells the pack. "That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them" he states. "The two most important things to remember are, first. Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose" he explains. "Emmett, don't hold back" he tells him. I hop off of his back.

As they head for the center of the clearing. "Not in my nature" Emmett tells him.Emmett charges Jasper with impossible speed, but Jasper is a virtual blur. At least to humans, vampires and shifters have better eye sight. Emmett lunges several times, his strong arms grabbing at air.

"Never lose focus" Jasper states. Emmett lunges again with similar results, until suddenly he freezes. Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat. Bella looks taken aback by Jasper's skills.

Edward and Dad start to spar. Soon Dad is on his back and Edward looks away from him. "One more thing. Never turn your back on your enemy" Jasper tells us. Dad pins Edward and I chuckle. After them Jasper spared with mum and Rosalie. It was now Alice's turn to face Jasper. I wonder who'd win in a fight between her and Edward?

Alice and Jasper spar, spiraling, twisting. Jasper launches at her but with her eyes glazed overR, not looking at him, she sees his moves before he makes them. It was quiet amusing. Glad she's on our side, along with Edward. Out of nowhere, Alice is perched on his back; she kisses his neck. "Gotcha" she says smugly.

As training continues, I notice the wolves rise or pace, watching intently, itching to get into the fray but holding back. I notice Bella talking to Jacob as he stands beside her in wolf form. "Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard. Use their momentum against them" Jasper tells us. "Dani, do you want to spare again?" he asks.

"Sure" I say as I join him in the center of the field. The wolves look concerned. "Don't hold back Major" I tell him.

"Never ma'am" he says and we share a laugh. Before becoming serious. We begin to circle and I decide to attack first. I lunge and he dodges. He takes a swipe and I crouch down. Swiping my leg knocking his feet out from under him. I go to pounce on him. But he uses my momentum to throw me into a tree. By the time I'm on my feet he has his teeth an inch from my throat.

I sigh in defeat as he releases me. "You're improving quickly Dani, but you need to use your small size to your advantage" he tells me. "Aim low, bring them to your height. Then aim for the neck" he states.

"I'll remember that" I tell him. He nods his head and walks over to the pack. As Jake rejoins them. I notice Edward now with Bella.

"We're done for the day" he tells the pack. "Same time tomorrow, if you wish to join in the sparing. Let Edward know" he tells them. They nod their heads and head back to the reservation. I race home with mum, Rosalie, Emmett and Dad. After Emmett gave his keys to Jasper, so that he could drive back with Alice.


Picture above of the Cullens and Dani's outfit. Picture on the external link of the wolf pack.

Danielle the Immortal ChildOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora