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Danni's POV

Today Bella and her class are going on an excursion to a greenhouse. I compelled my principle to give my school a pupil free day. Just so that I can go with Bella. Who got permission from her teacher for me to tag along. As long as it was ok with our dad, which it was.

We're in the school parking lot waiting for orders to board the buses. Bella is looking longingly at Edward as he arrives with Alice and Jasper. She doesn't notice Mike approaching us. So I tug on her jacket. She looks down at me and I point at Mike.

"Look! You both are moving. You both ALIVE" he says imitating Dr Frankenstein.

"Yeah, false alarm" Bella says.

"Actually, I'm glad you're not dead 'cause - well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you - even though it's, like, a month away..." Mike starts to ramble on. Bella zones out looking at Edward again.

Edward, is in quiet conference with Jasper and Alice. Abruptly, he looks up, as if listening to her and Mike. Bella tunes back into what Mika is saying. "So what do you think?" Mike asks her.

"About what?" she asks giving him a blank look.

"Prom. You want to go? To prom. With me?" he asks her.

"Prom. As in dance. I, uh - have to go somewhere. To Jacksonville. Yeah" Bella lies.

"She's taking me to meet her mummy" I add.

"You can't go another weekend?" he asks us.

"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica" Bella suggests looking at her. Mike follows Bella's eyes way across the lawn to Jessica. She smiles at us with a small wave. I wave back politely.

"Sure, I'll do that" Mike tells us and leaves. We board the buses and are taken to the greenhouse. We meet the tour guide before going inside.

Mr. Molina and a Tour Guide lead us through the greenhouse. I notice Bella keep an eye on Edward. Who's up ahead with Alice and Jasper. Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the other students mess around."C'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it" he encourages.

Eric does as he is told. As the machine gurgles and spins. "Now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of 'compost tea.' This is recycling at its most basic level" Mr Molina states. Tyler tries to drink the compost tea. "Hey, don't drink that!" he exclaims. I giggle. "It's for the plants" he states and Tyler pours it over a potted plant.

When Bella sees Edward pause by an ancient staghorn fern, alone. "I'm gonna go talk to Edward, stay close in sight" she tells me. I nod my head, letting go of her hand. She takes a breath for courage and strides up to him. I pretend to admire a plant as I eavesdrop on them. "Hello Edward" Bella says as she reaches him.

Edward gives no response. Bella turns, starts to walk away from him. Back to me. "What's in Jacksonville?" he asks her and she turns to face him.

"How did you know about that?" she asks him confused.

"Um, you didn't answer my question" he tells her.

"You haven't answered any of mine. You won't even say hello" she retorts.

"Hello" he says.

"And how did you stop that van?" she asks him.

"I had an adrenaline rush. Very common. Google it" he tells her. She turns to storm off but she stumbles over the irrigation hose. Edward steadies her. "It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet" he states.

Insulted, Bella keeps moving back to me. He keeps pace, serious now. "I know I've been rude, but it's for the best" he tells her. She looks at him like he's crazy. He walks away as Jessica suddenly rushes up.

"Guess who just asked me to prom!" she squeals. Bella smiles and holds a hand out to me. I take it. "I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Bella. Is it gonna be weird?" she asks Bella.

"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together" Bella tells her.

"I know right" Jessica says smiling. Giddy, Jessica rushes to catch up with Angela. Bella heads out the door with me in tow. Soon Edward appears walking on Bella's other side.

"Bella, it would be better if we weren't friends" Edward tells her.

"Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier" Bella tells him. "You could have let the van crush me and Danni. And saved yourself all this regret" she states.

"Bella" I whimper clinging to her.

"I didn't mean it Danni, I'm sorry" she says hugging me.

"You think I regret saving you both?" Edward asks her.

"I know you do" she tells him.

"You don't know anything" Edward tells her annoyed. Just then Alice appears beside Edward. I notice Jasper not far away. Alice eyes Bella with curiosity.

"The bus is leaving" she tells us."Hi. Will you both be riding with us?" she asks Bella and I.

"No, our bus is full" Edward states. He purposefully walks Alice away. But he glances back at Bella with remorse. But she doesn't notice it. She and I board the other bus. It takes us back to her school and she drives us home.


Picture above of Dani's outfit and on the external link of the greenhouse.

Danielle the Immortal Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें