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( chapter twelve )

   INGRID WOKE WITH a start. Not from a nightmare, nor from armor and swords clashing against each other. It was because her cabin was singing Happy Birthday.

   She groaned as she leaned over to see the clock on her bedside table, groaning even more when she saw that it was barely 6:30. On her other side, Casey was sitting up in his bed, a huge smile on his face. "Come on, Ing!"

   She rolled her eyes, sitting up to see the wide grins of her siblings, still screaming the words to the birthday song. "Happy birthday dear Casey and Ingrid! Happy birthday to you!"

"I hate you all. " Ingrid said with a yawn. Her siblings laughed and she could help but give in. "Okay, I don't hate you. Not that much anyways."

Casey smiled. "You guys are the best. Happy birthday Ing!"

"Happy birthday Case. You ready for today?" The girl asked, sitting up in her bed to face her twin.

"Absolutely. Red velvet cupcakes, attention all day, presents galore, AND it's with my twin? What else could I ask for?" He said, flopping next to Ingrid on her bed. He threw an arm around her, in which Ingrid shrugged off.

"I could ask for some space, but I know that wasn't on your list." Ingrid said and Casey rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. You love me."

"I do? Since when?" Ingrid said, and Casey scoffed, hopping off of the bed. "I'm kidding! Love you Casey."

"That's what I thought!" Casey said with a laugh. He continued walking away, most likely towards the bathroom. Ingrid smiled to herself, laying down in her bed. She had a feeling it would be her best birthday yet.

HER FEELING WAS wrong. Well, kind of. The day hadn't been all that bad so far. In fact, it had been great. Annabeth baked the twins their annual red velvet cupcakes, topped with sparklers from the Stoll brothers. Clarisse gifted them new weapons of their choice, Ingrid a machete and Casey a bow. She claimed she made them herself, but it had the Hephaestus cabin touch written all over it.

   The twins always had loads of people wishing them happy birthday. Well, Casey at least. He was obviously more social and boastful about the day. Ingrid just stood by his side with a smile, for if her brother was happy, so was she.

   At dinner that night, the Ares cabin made sure the twins got first pick of food. Meaning that because  Casey and Ingrid came late after sword fighting, they had about half the camp angry at them, and hungry as well. Once they apologized and got their food, they sat at the head of the Ares table, which only Clarisse ever did. But as an Ares cabin tradition, those with a birthday got the head of the table.

   The dinner was normal, filled with discussions of weapons, strategies for fighting, and ways to guard their cabin besides the landmines they already had. Ingrid felt at home with her siblings. They gave her comfort in a way she wouldn't have imagined when she first came here.

   Once everyone began to finish eating, Clarisse rose from the table, standing on the bench. Cupping her hands around her mouth, she announced the best and final birthday event. "Alright everyone, time for the canoe race! Head to the lake to see which Reid twin will win for their 17th birthday!"

warrior ( RACHEL ELIZABETH DARE. )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang