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( chapter five )

THE DAY AFTER Jason, Piper and Leo returned was a hurricane of events. Everyone flocked to them to gain new information about the quest, as if they didn't already tell everything last night. Ingrid didn't really see the need to follow them around all day, for her siblings would just recount everything to her later.

The biggest event to happen was the counselors meeting. Of course, Clarisse was the only who got to go, meaning that left the rest of the Ares cabin to mope around with a bad case of FOMO. To pass the time, Ingrid suggested a pickup game of basketball to lift their spirits, which they halfheartedly agreed to.

Ingrid dribbled the ball a few times, and passed the ball to Casey who barely caught it. Nevertheless, he continued to jog down the court, not a single person going to stop him. He shot the ball, it circling around the rim a few times before tumbling to the ground. Ingrid jogged over the grab the ball, holding it under her arm.

"Okay, I know you guys want to be at the meeting, but could you at least try?" She said, and her siblings merely shrugged.

"Sorry Ing, we just aren't really up for basketball right now," Sherman said. "Thanks for trying though."

Casey nodded, clapping his sister on the back. "Yeah, you know we all want to be in there right now. Don't take it personally, okay?"

Ingrid sighed, grabbing her water bottle in preparation to head out with her siblings. But just then, the door to the Big House opened, and the counselors came streaming out. Clarisse is one of the first, her face a cold, stony expression. Ingrid exchanged a look with Casey, who seemed to be just be confused, excited, and worried all at once.

   Once Clarisse made her way over to them, she stopped, looking each of them in the eye. "Cabin meeting tonight, after campfire." She said, before walking away, leaving the Ares kids gaping at one another.

   "Damn, now I really wish I was in that meeting! Clarisse only calls a meeting on the worst days ever." Sherman said, the others nodding in agreement.

   Ingrid swallowed hard, millions of thoughts running around her head. They've only had a few of these meetings before, the most notable being the day after the Battle of Manhattan. That was the day all of the deaths finally sunk in, the worst being Silena. Clarisse and her were practically attached to the hip. Despite them both having boyfriends, there was no denying that there was something deeper between them.

  When Clarisse couldn't keep a tough face anymore, she called the cabin meeting to let everything out behind closed doors. After that, everyone sort of agreed that whenever one of them needed to let something out, they called a meeting to do it. It was a weird system, but it worked for the Ares kids. They had a reputation to uphold, and didn't want anything to infiltrate that.

   Ingrid turned to Casey, who just tightened the bandanna around his head. "Don't worry too much about it, because I know you are. It'll be fine, okay?"

   IT WAS NOT fine. All day, the Ares cabin was on edge, sharing theories on what the meeting could possibly be about.

  Casey was convinced that it was because Clarisse was jealous she couldn't go on the quest. "C'mon guys, you all heard how awesome it was! Of course she'd be jealous!"

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