So Easy To Fall

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Dinner time had always been enjoyable for Juan. Nothing like experiencing his son's theatrics as he recounts the day's events to complete the experience. But tonight, with Paula, dinner time was more...complete. Somehow.

"Remember that time, Paps, when we went to Disneyland for the first time with Papay and Mamay?"

"His grandparents, my parents," he mentioned as an aside to which Paula simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Julian, you're going to put me on the spot again."

His devil of a son just ignored him. "See, Miss Paula, Papay gets a bad case of gout attack every now and then, which happened on our second day at the park. So we had to get him a wheelchair so it won't be difficult for us to go around. You know what Paps said to Papay?"

"Oh, God, here it goes." He gave an exaggerated sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Juan, stop interrupting" she peeped at him. "Do tell, Julian."

"Because we were being given priority at all the queues so Paps said, 'Dad, we should have gotten you a wheelchair beginning yesterday.'"

"Alright, that's it." He put on the strict dad tone once more. "I think it's time you got ready for bed. You need to rest."

Julian did not object but he still had something to say. "You can come over for dinner again tomorrow, Miss Paula, if you want to." Julian's smile almost split his face in half. "Or every night, seeing as you only live across the hall."

Her laughter sounded nervous. "We'll have to see, Julian."

"Anak, can you just go, please?"

"Fine." Julian rolled his eyes. "I can take a hint. I'll leave you two alone. Don't make too much noise please, okay? Good night."

His jaw almost dropped to the floor.

"Good night, Julian." Paula happily waved goodbye.

"You're enjoying this." He accused her. "And here I am hoping my son's tactlessness did not make you uncomfortable."

"Nah, it's fine." She assured him. "It would be nice to see more of you in that light, you know?"

"What, the smartass son of my parents?"

She nodded.

"Hey, I'm actually a very good son."

She became serious. "I can believe that."

It was ridiculous, somewhat, feeling a certain warmth creeping from the tips of his toes right up to his scalp.

"We, uh, we're having Jack Daniels salmon tomorrow." He stood and began to clear the table. "You are not allergic to seafood, are you?"

"I'm not." She had picked up the used glasses and brought them to the sink.

She stood beside him. Her arm against his.

This scenario had taken place earlier. He extended an invitation, and he couldn't breathe as he waited for Paula to respond.

"I do love salmon, thank you for inviting me again."


"No buts," she shook her head.

He breathed in deeply, took her hand and led her back to her seat. He sat beside her. There were things that needed to be said.

"I know we just met," he started to say but he felt a slight recoil from Paula. "No, please don't be scared. I just want to level with you."

She kept still, nibbling on her lower lip.

"I haven't felt this much attraction for someone before. I won't go so far as to say I've never gone on dates with women I was attracted to. But I have not really felt that pull to want more. It's different with you, though. I want to explore how far we can take this. But really, before I even attempt anything serious, I have to emphasize my priority will always be Julian. So if this isn't okay with you..."

He trailed off. He did not mention that at most of those dates, Julian had never been at ease with any of them. Which made it easy for him to decide to not want to move forward. But Paula? She was different.

"I know," she whispered. "I understand. It's hard to invest emotions in someone who wouldn't stay."

He nodded.

"So, like I said," she spoke again, "I do love salmon."

A smile started to lift the corners of his lips.

"And if you're having Jack Daniels salmon on a weeknight," she began to lean forward, "I can't wait to see what you usually have on a weekend."

There. He could breathe now. And really smile.

"Jezus, Paps, kiss her already!"

Thankfully, Paula's only reaction was to giggle.

Frikkin' kid.

He did take his son's advice, though.

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