49. 🔰 ENA 🔰

85 3 2

🔰 She always takes everything as a video game mission

🔰 do u like waffles (idk why i put this)

🔰 She would introduce you to Moony

🔰 She would buy you clothes

🔰 She would ask you a lot of favors

🔰 You sometimes compare her to Two-Face

🔰 You would have to resist her emotional changes

🔰 She would insist you try alcohol

🔰 She would talk to you a lot

🔰 You help her with her Bipolar disorder

🔰 You travel around the world

🔰 You visit parallel worlds and universes

🔰 She invites you to her artsy home

🔰 If you go there, you will be received by a waterfall of paintings around her house

🔰 She smells like chocolate milk

🔰 During the battle against Senpai, you were just as confused as ENA

🔰 She is very elegant

🔰 You call her a Funky Picasso Painting affectionately

🔰 She loves Auction Day

🔰 She is grateful to have you

Would you spend a day with this humanoid painting?

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