50. 🎧 Neon 🎧

71 4 2

🎧 He would care for you

🎧 He loves to listen to music and he would share headphones with you

🎧 During the battle against Boyfriend, you were in the background of the game

🎧 During the last song TRANSGRESSION-F, you were surprised by the power he was capable of reaching

🎧 He hates that you ignore him

🎧 He likes you to dress the same as him

🎧 Sometimes, he is overprotective

🎧 You sometimes fight over bulls**t

🎧 If you cut your finger, he would be bandaging your whole arm

🎧 You met when you entered his dimension

🎧 If someone dares to give you a little punch, he/she is SO F***ING dead

🎧 Sometimes, you pay too much attention to your phone, which ends with him taking it to then throw it out the window

🎧 You play his titular game, AdventNEON

🎧 When he is flustered, he will let out steam from his body

🎧 You advertise his game in the real world

🎧 You are friends with other video game characters like Sonic and Mega Man

🎧 He would introduce you to Oganesson

🎧 He is now used to seeing humans in his world because of you

🎧 You would go to the Central District

🎧 You land on his good side

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