twenty one

35 7 5

"I feel like my heart is seconds away from jumping out of my chest," Kiara said in a daze her eyes flitting about the venue as she registered the stage, the heat that rose with the swarm of people, the chatter around them, and the thought of seeing Emre in front of her.

"Please don't tell me you're going to throw up," Mila said sharply, pulling Kiara closer to her when she noticed passerby giving them odd looks.

"I just might," Kiara said nervously. "I don't...I don't think I should've come Mila. It's a mistake."

"What are you so worried about? It's not like you don't know the kind of music that the band plays...," Mila tried to reason with her.

"I just...I just...," Kiara was cut off by the swell of noise from the people around her as they noticed the lights around them dimmed. The crowd had started chanting the name of the band, and the sound vibrated through her body making her draw in a stuttering breath. There was some movement backstage which drove the audience wild.

She knew why exactly she was afraid, but the words refused to leave her lips. Her mind was working in overdrive imagining scenario after scenario. What if he saw her there? What if he recognized her? What if she saw the hate she imagined he felt for her on her face? The worst scenario of all was what if he didn't recognize her at all?

One after another thoughts swirled in her mind leaving her feeling dizzy and queasy in the last hour or more that they were there. She had endured the opening acts with confusion, not really knowing what was happening as her mind threw her in a tizzy.

Logically she knew it could never happen. She was pressed in a throng of hundreds by the stage. The lights on stage would be too damn bright for Emre to be able to pinpoint her in the mass of bodies. But still, she felt sick to her stomach and the smell of stale beer did nothing to alleviate it.

She thanked her stubbornness for wearing her acid wash ripped boyfriend jeans, pink Puma sneakers, and a long sleeved neon green baggy crop top to the concert. At least I can run away easily if I need to, she thought to herself. Kiara had given in to Mila's pleas that she do her makeup and was happy with Mila's handiwork. Her long black hair, the hair that she finally found the time to wash, was put up in a messy bun with soft tendrils framing her face. Her darkly lined black eyes framed with darkened eyebrows and spidery lashes. Her cheekbones were contoured to cut glass and her lips were a bright Barbie-doll pink.

Kiara didn't notice it, but she turned more than one head when she walked into the venue. As she continued overworking her poor mind, she didn't see the glares Mila would shoot the men who tried to approach the two ladies.

She felt her heart stutter when she saw some people running on stage propping up a shimmery turquoise guitar standing pretty on stage. The beam of the stage light as it hit the shiny body of guitar made it look like a whole universe of stars was embodied in that guitar. He's still using it, her mind screamed, her chest heaving as she pulled in quick, harsh breaths. It was too far away for her to notice the little dings and scratches it accumulated over the years.

Her heart thudded violently in her chest; her entire body vibrated to its beat. The lights on stage dimmed all the way down but instead of the wild chanting of the crowd all she could hear was the blood pounding in her ears. A sharp riff sliced through the arena and the lights were blindingly bright. Kiara blinked to adjust her eyes as the crowd undulated to the beats of the drums and the sound of the bass. People around her had thrown their hands up, excitement coursing through them to finally be able to watch their favourite band perform live.

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