twenty four

51 10 10

Something scratched under her skin making her shift once more and Kiara gritted her teeth as she continued smiling at the people in front of her. She was flanked by her parents, both who were in sharp traditional Pakistani attire. She could feel her mother stiffening every time anything even remotely hinted at how close Kiara and Emre have gotten in the last nine months.

Her eyes landed on her phone in her lap and she frowned at the blank screen her lips pursed in a pout. She sneaked a glance at her father and was relieved to see him completely relaxed while he spoke to Emre's father. She relaxed a fraction when Emre's father smiled at her, his hazel-green eyes crinkling cheekily like he was holding onto a delicious secret. Emre's sisters Aiyla and Elif, were bustling from somewhere behind she sat. She was sure that they had made a feast considering the smells that were wafting from behind her. She'd wanted to help but they were firm in making Kiara sit down in the living room.

Kiara jumped when she felt her phone vibrating in her lap. She looked at the phone and the brilliant smile carved itself on her lips automatically. She looked up to find Emre's father looking at her with mischief written in his expression.

"Go on, child. Pick up. Hurry, if not he'll worry that we've scared you," he laughed.

Kiara giggled and stood up, "I'll just..." Emre's father waved her off as she gracefully tried to power walk outside. She could hear both Aiyla and Elif tittering behind her and knew she looked absolutely ridiculous in her bronzy silk traditional wear rushing outside. Emre had sent it over to her and insisted that she wore it today.

"I hate you," she said as she huffed heavily, her phone pressed close to her ears. She heard him chuckling on the other end and that itch, that unease she was feeling earlier evaporated.

"That's not what you said last night, Hasretim," he breathed into the phone, and she felt her skin flush.

"Shut up! I hate you so much...," she said smiling fully as she walked into the backyard, her feet hastily crammed into her shoes. The air cool around her and she sighed, "Why couldn't you be here as well?"

"You know why, we had to finish the South America Tour. And we're finally done," he said placatingly, his voice low and comforting shooting warm tingles down her spine. Kiara sat down on a bench with a huff. "Where are you, Hasretim? It's uncharacteristically quiet."

"In the backyard. It's nice and warm outside today, surprisingly."

"You look beautiful in that outfit."

"And you would know how?"

"You're beautiful in everything you wear...And Aiyla and Fadime sent me a photo."

"Those snitches!"

"Were you really going to torture me by not sending me a photo?"

"Yes. I'm all alone here."

"Is this a new way of saying that you miss me?"


"I miss you too, Kiara."

"Hmmm...If you missed me, you would be here...It's weird being with your family without you here..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because...they remind me of you..."

"Is this another way of saying that you can't stop thinking of me?" he chuckled huskily. "I know I can't; I can't stop thinking about you. Doesn't matter where I am – alone, with the guys, on stage; you're always on my mind. Alone, especially when I'm alone in bed late at night...."

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