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Jungkook didn't realized his condition...until, now. He was currently tied up with cabel ties and his face was covered with sack. He didn't know where he is either. Confused, panicked, scared and much more indescribable feelings waved over his thick body. Two hours ago, he's still busy walking down a street that he, himself know was dangerous. 

But, taking a shortcut just for one day isn't that bad. According to Jungkook. But of course, there's no point in writing if there is no some creepy stuffs.

While he walked down the shabby, and spooky road, he heard some shoutings, and women screaming for help. A can of beer was thrown at him while he walked. But luckily, he managed to avoid that. Thinking that he succeded to run away from death's grip, he saw a black van by the end of the road. Seems like it's waiting for him, but Jungkook is not that delusional, why would someone kidnap him? He's not pretty, not rich, and just a normal, yet kind hearted college student. At least, that's what he thought. He sighed, and continues his speed walking towards the black van.

He walked up to the car's window.He couldn't hear what are they talking about. But it brought him goosebumps throughout his whole body. He went to turn back but before he could blink his eyes, he was pulled inside the car. He felt suffocated suddenly. "W-who are you?! Please let me go, i'll give you anything you want!" The boy screamed, stuttering even. He struggles to be free from those annoying cabel ties. The two other men looked at each other and laughed upon seeing him begging and struggling. "Nah ah ah, not a chance. Save that for Boss later, you will need to give everything you have for him, including your bod-" a clear smacked was heard. The other guy closed his friend's mouth using his palm after being smacked. "Are you crazy?! You almost revealed our itention!" One of the guy said, eyeballs roaming to the outside windows.

Jungkook gulped harshly, thinking what might happen to him. He's still young, many things to enjoy. He didn't even had his first kiss yet, but will god be on his side this time?

After a few seconds of silent, a sob was heard from Jungkook. Making both guys turned their head towards him. They removed the sack from his face and examined him. Doe eyes filled with tears, cheeckbones sweating and hair untangled. The flawless cheeks grew red and oh boy, that lips looks so much pink. The two men swear they were drooling over the said boy. "Woah...he's really pretty, that's why we were sent here!" A guy said, licking his lips as he watched the boy sobbing from fear. His sobs sounds like heaven, no wonder Boss like it. "Shit, if this boy isn't Boss's i would've fuck him senseless and cum from the 12 thrusts." He said, jokingly and slapped the other's thigh.

Jungkook grew even more terrified now. Nothing is helping him at all. He wanted to scream, but what was the point in doing so? But don't need to worry, the story just started here.

𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 [𝗷𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗼𝗸]Where stories live. Discover now