14: Sense of Fear Pt.1

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The plane rocked and shook, waking me up harshly. My head rested on something hard, as I felt someone's hands reach over me, trying to search for something, and as I looked at the 'thing' my head was resting on, I found it wasn't a thing at all, but a person. Dallas's eyes warned me, and finally he made eye contact with me, removing his hands from my body.

His eyes were drawn away, and he towered over me again as he grabbed my seat belt, strapping me in safely. With no words he tightened the belt. And sat himself back down in the seat, I still couldn't process this all, I was still confused on how he was even here.

"The seatbelt sign came on, we're landing soon", he spoke in a monotone voice, and his eyes distant as ever. He couldn't even look at me, let alone look into my eyes as he talked. The word distant couldn't even describe how he was.

I wanted to ask him, if he was okay? If he was upset about something? But as he kept looking back in his seat, as I observed him I knew if I asked now I would likely not get a response at all.

I glanced over at Tyler, who was right across from us. I knew he had recognized Dallas as he came on the plane. I was scared he would tell someone and then the world would crash before our eyes.

I probably shouldn't talk about any type of crash while I'm in a plane.

I looked over at Dallas, as everyone was asked to fasten their seatbelt. His seatbelt wasn't even on, he was such a hypocrite.

"Your seatbelt isn't even on, what do you think Mr. Invincible, are you immortal or something?"I asked him, which got him to crack a grin at me, his smile was weirdly contagious. Maybe because I didn't see it a lot, I couldn't remember a time there was a smile on his face at school rather than him showing off his cocky grin to me.

"Yeah, I'm the devil... happy?" He asked, showing off his cheeky grin, I would push this conversation anywhere just to see it longer. Something was on his mind, maybe just a couple of minutes of conversation would help him, give him some time to uncloud that brain of his.

"Oh yeah, no it makes sense no wonder you're always so mean" I playfully spoke, and his eyes glared over.

"It's a package deal", he sighed, saying the words. His smile was fading and as he liked behind him. It was gone.

He must've gotten in a fight with his mom and her boyfriend, maybe this was all about him. In all aspects as a person he scared me, he reminded me of Daniel. The weird glances, the feeling that I was always being watched. I was glad Leah didn't come, I wouldn't be able to protect her from this.

"So Lucifer, this weekend are you targeting the locals of Aruba or is it solely targeted on me", I asked him, wanting to know the truth. Did he really just hate me so much?

"You're immune to me already and besides the devil needs a break every now and then", he said, moving his seat back slowly.

I was probably immune to anything he said, but it still stung, because as much as I hated saying it most of the things he had said in the past were honest than anyone had ever been with me. He spoke truthfully, and those truths stung because they were true in the end, I just had never heard it before, and I definitely couldn't admit it to myself.

I hated getting help from people, I found it easier to trust myself than others with something I loved or was passionate about. I couldn't trust people, I was raised in a way where the nicest of people could hurt you the most.

"So you're retiring from being rude just for this weekend, this should be fun", I told him and he let out a chuckle shaking his head at me.

"I can't make any guarantees, some of this is just a part of my charm", he cockily said, explaining all about his charm. I didn't believe this rude persona he had on, maybe we had something in common, I guess people at school thought I was rude, but ever since Lola I had never talked to a single person at school.

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