Chapter 45

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Sergeant Klo Wolturs wished the Gods would give her patience so she would not unsheathe the broadsword at her belt and send the mage's head tumbling through the air.

Tempting as it felt at the moment, the consequences would be grave. At the face of battle the mages may cower, but it would take them naught but a snap of fingers to have her face printed alongside her corporal upon the wanted posters. But a part of Klo wished she would rather be a fugitive than deal with this level of nonsense.

A lethal caffeine addiction was but another argument away.

Before her was the ice mage who captured Dion, and another who had arrived to replace his companion who, during his chase in pursuit of Farren, was frozen into a slab of ice by a panicked Crowder.

"You can take Dion Edsley wherever you wish after we're done interrogating him. I believe I made myself clear," she said to the two Council Mages who stood before her in the passageway outside Dion's cell down in the patroller's quarters. The crimson dusk outside was bright and warm, but a persistent chill lingered in these underground hallways.

One of the mages stroked his beard, regarding her with a narrow-eyed stare. "He will be presented before the Council members and I believe they are more than capable of carrying out a simple interrogation. Are you implying you have no faith in their abilities, Sergeant?"

Her temper must have been apparent in her expression, because Second Lieutenant Audryn threw her a warning look, but Klo was not one to be restrained. "Considering the bravery they showed during the attack on the village by barricading themselves in a room, and one of them is currently frozen within a chunk of ice-- yes. That's exactly what I'm implying."

There were several other things she'd wished to imply as well-- the most noteworthy of them being that the Council was heavily dominated by Drisian officials and letting them take away Dion would be the most foolish thing to do, but the mage was already enraged. His companion silenced him before he could speak, and faced Klo with a sneer.

"Such arrogance," he said. "Can you live up to your words, if we take him away by force? Can you stop us, representatives of the Council?"

"Me alone? Perhaps not," Klo said, nodding behind his back, "but they can."

Boots clicked down the hallway, the movements in sync. The mages whirled to find the patrollers and night archers gathered behind them, crimson eyes filled with cold fury. Dorin and Captain Rivera stood in the lead.

"Dion Edsley killed one of my brothers-in-arms. He is not getting away with this," he said, his voice a low growl.

"So, a handful of bloodsuckers," muttered the mage.

"Watch your tongue, spellcaster!" Captain Rivera's voice boomed through the passageway, several swords sliding out of their sheathes and crossbows being cocked.

The ice mage flinched back at the suddenness, only to collide into a towering, dark figure that strode in through a side passage, several blue-cloaked soldiers filing in behind them.

"It's best you don't test the patience of Kinallen's warriors," said Sergeant Linder with a crooked smile. A squad stood behind him, weapons at the ready. "Many things go unreported in remote parts as these, just saying..."

The two mages were surrounded. Even sorcery had its limits, especially against a legion of skilled soldiers. Pride swelled in Klo's heart. It was as though she stood a little taller, the passageway felt warmer with the fire in her comrades' eyes.

Klo crossed his arms. "Well, sirs?"

"Do whatever you want," the ice mage spat. "The Council and His Majesty, they must be informed that anarchy reigns in the frontiers! I'm sending word right away."

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