Chapter 69

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Within the tall stone walls of the Iron Arena, sparks flew.

Not literal sparks from the clashing of blade upon shield, but figurative ones, sizzling and crackling at the conflicting tempers of the two people trying very hard to be polite.

To one side was the captain of a certain outlawed company, to the other, a veteran who'd helped hone the skills of the soldiers of Kinallen.

"I step into the city at the crack of dawn, and the first thing I hear is that my soldiers, whom I spent all my life training, are being...trained. Again. By a battlemage," said Second Lieutenant Audryn. Her knapsack and travelling cloak lay thrown aside. "Is that right?"

"It would appear so," said Captain Walric. She stood on her tiptoes, primly looking down, and Farren had the most ridiculous notion that she did this to appear...larger. "Iron Arena is not known for a banquet hall, so evidently we are not here to hold a feast."

Second lieutenant coughed politely. "I have trained them for years. And you think you can instill some phenomenal improvement in their tactics of combat. In one day."

Captain Walric looked around, found a little rock studded on the dusty ground and stood on it. She spoke, in a politer tone: "I don't think, I aim to instill that improvement. I do appreciate you calling them phenomenal, thank you very much."

When Audryn only glared in response, she smirked. "Admit it, Second Lieutenant. I have the higher ground. Her Highness has approved of this."

"Are these two for real?" Farren asked Klo who stood by her side, looking defeated. When the captain and the second lieutenant started bickering, the majority had turned to the sergeant for settling things, only for her to get yelled at and dismissed with a "the elders are speaking." A few paces away sat Rendarr, half-asleep and drooling on Gray's shoulder without a care in the world.

As the voices rose, Klo pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sweet Draedona."

Farren patted her on the shoulder. "I'll make sure you do not spiral into a caffeine addiction."

Xenro on the other hand was having a rather grand time at the stands, watching the argument as spectators enjoyed vicious fights. At least someone was happy about being dragged into Iron Arena so early in the morning. Hilda was perched near the foot of the seat Princess Lysandra occupied, a notebook open in her lap, likely scribbling down the bickering for a ballad, if the sheer glee in the bard's face was any indication. The princess would occasionally point at a spot in the writing, likely adding her own spice into it.

"Now see here," said Captain Walric, "I'll need some of your soldiers to join me in search of the burial sites of the Chosen Warriors--way north in Drisia. The mountain pass is treacherous, and Draedona knows what we might run into when we're down on the plains. I'll need them sharp, so just one session to get down the basics of sorcery. So that they can hold their own. I ain't hauling arses all the way back home."

"We can hold our own perfectly well without sorcery involved, thank you very much." Audryn's face was stern, but the captain's softened.

"I do not doubt that for one moment, trust me," she said gently. "You are a noble lot. You play by the rules and play fair. But those ones beyond the hills don't."

Second Lieutenant Audryn shook her head, brows furrowed. "That, I'm well aware of. It's the Council that I want nowhere near my folk. Everyone knows how much trouble those fools gave to the girl--" she gestured to Farren, "--and she only used sorcery for once. If they get even so much as an inkling of this, the entire division will be thrown behind bars, and the minister won't be able to help our cause."

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