4| Reasons

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Chapter 4: Reasons (Ronan's POV)

My phone rang in my pocket while I sat at the beach, watching the sunset. I spent the entire day wandering around Runville, getting familiar with the town again, dropping in, and saying hello to some people. 

I sighed, taking my phone out and answering it, seeing 'Damon' flashing across the screen. I'm surprised nobody changed their number. I changed mine when I left for Boston, I wanted a whole new start. It did cut me off from everybody here but I knew if I didn't do that, I'd come crawling back home within a few days. I'd barely last a week. I kept their numbers though and I'm guessing when I told Mom and Dad I was coming back, they must have given my number out to Damon. 

I answered the phone, putting it to my ear while staring at the waves. "Hello?" 

"Where are you?" he asked. He sounded a little out of breath and spoke unevenly so I'm guessing he was walking somewhere. 

"At Darkest Coast," I answered, staring at the sand while I drew shapes and patterns using a stick I found nearby. 

Darkest Coast is the name of our beach. I don't know when it was named that but there's a reason behind the name. At night, the sky here is absolutely pitch black. You don't see any hues of blues or any silhouettes of clouds. But the moon and the stars shine the brightest. They light up the whole beach and you can make out where everything is. The moon is always huge either, whether it be half or crescent, there are thousands of stars every damn night without fail. 

"What are you doing there? The sun is setting, they'll close off soon." 

"So? Nobody would even find me here," I replied, throwing the stick to the side. 

"Your mom said you wanted to meet." 

I hummed in response. 

"What? How old are we? Five? You could have called if you really wanted to meet." 

"I didn't think you'd want to meet me." 

"Aw," he laughed, "how kind of you to actually consider my feelings this time." 

I sighed, resisting an eye roll. 

"Don't be stupid," he said. "More stupid than you already are anyway. There's no chance you're surviving Runville this time without me, brother. Where on the Darkest Coast are you?" 

"Near the cave," I answered, turning around when I heard footsteps. 

A couple of seconds later, he was standing there, the phone still against his ear. He sighed and hung up, waving the phone at me. I put my phone back into my pocket and faced the waters again. He walked over, dropping his backpack on the sand before sitting down, pulling his knees in, and resting his elbows on them. "Hey," he huffed. 

"Hey," I mumbled, watching the waves kiss the shore before leaving again. 

"You're back," he stated, "for good or...?" 

"Not sure," I answered. "Still deciding on that one." 

"Huh, well welcome back. So, what did you do today?" 

I turned to him in confusion. "Are we really trying to make small talk?" 

He faced me. "No? You want to cut straight to the bullshit? Sure. Why'd you do it?" He stared ahead again and then started digging up shells and tossing them in the water. 

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