6| Alone

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Chapter 6: Alone (Ronan's POV)

I watched her as she talked with Zach, avoiding my eyes even though she knew I was watching her. 

A few minutes later, Damon came out with Claire and the dentist's daughter who's name I don't know. She sat behind the counter and started preparing the receipt. 

London shot out of the chair and behind the counter, turning to her friend. "I have to go back to the store. Sorry. Let's have lunch some other day." 

"But your lunch break lasts longer," her friend frowned. 

"We're busy and Dylan had to go too, so we had to close the store. I should get back and open it." She tucked the boxed food into her bag before pulling it over her shoulder. "I'll see you later, bye." She glanced at Damon. "Bye, Damon." She walked past me, her arm brushing against mine and she rushed out and ran down the stairs. 

I didn't wait for Damon, I didn't even tell him anything, I just bolted after her. "London." 

She looked at me over her shoulder as she reached the bottom of the stairs and then started speed walking. 

I rushed downstairs, catching up to her and grabbing her arm as I spun her around to face me. "I'm talking to you!" 

"What?" she snapped, throwing my hand off. "What do you want to talk about?" She sighed, taking a look around. Luckily, there was nobody here. "Look, you're back in town but that doesn't mean you need to try to fix things between us. We're already past that point, this is unfixable." 

"Do you really think that?" I asked. 

"I don't want to fix it, Ronan," she gritted out. "I just want you to leave me alone, why can't you do that?" 

"I don't know, okay? I just can't," I groaned. 

"Really?" she asked, letting out a bitter laugh. "You had no problem doing it for the past four years." She turned to leave again and I grabbed her bag, jerking her back. She let out a small grunt as she stumbled before turning to face me. "Get it through your head," she demanded. "I don't want to see you, I don't want to speak to you, I want absolutely nothing to do with you. Stop chasing me like this. I'll never forgive you for the way you ended things." 

"I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm just asking you to hear me out." 

"Do you take me for a fool, Ronan? Do you have any idea how I felt? What you put me through? You left me absolutely broken and you didn't even think what we had was worth an explanation. And now? When you're back and you can't avoid me any more, when you know you'll have to see my face every day in this town, you think it would be easier to sort things out, don't you? To avoid the gossip, to avoid the stares." 

I closed my eyes, taking a breath. "That's now what this is," I insisted. 

"That's exactly what this is. Tell me. Was I just a game to you? Is that what I still am? Do I still suffocate you?" 

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